Random Ramblings

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    • So in the process of organizing all of L’s old clothes and shoes, I realized I am missing his winter boots from last year.  Sounds like no big deal right? I mean, L doesn’t need them and clearly the new kid won’t be needing them anytime soon.  WRONG. It’s driving me insane.  Where are those boots?  I probably wonder where they are about 100x a day.  OCD much?  I plan to tear the house apart until I can find them. I feel like maybe they are in the garage somewhere but B says he hasn’t seen them and that’s his area, so who knows?  I will find those boot though if it’s the last thing I do!
    • As of last night, my Target still had not salvaged the 90% Holiday Clearance. This meant I got in a few more random “hunting” trips.  And I finally broke down and bought these Mickey Mouse bowls everyone else is buying.  What will I do with these bowls?  I have no idea.  None.  Yet I couldn’t resist.  After all, they were only $0.99.  I hope the rumors that Target isn’t going to continue the 90% off holiday sales isn’t true.  I look forward to the hunts every season!

  • Who thought two hours of Teen Mom 2 on a weeknight would be a good idea? And what idiot would stay up to 12am watching?  Hello, I did!  Oh Chelsea, your blond hair is not good.  I liked it so much better when it was brown.  Please get it through your head that Adam is a loser.  And Kailyn, I am still coming to your house one night, scissors in hand and cutting that mane.  Did Jenelle’s court date really get postponed by 2 months?  That’s some crazy luck.  I wouldn’t mind never seeing the drama between her and Keifer on my tv screen anymore. Where does Keifer live anyways?
  • When is it going to snow here?  I live in a cold weather state and I swear, it’s bee like springtime lately.  L and I want to play in the snow!  We may have to venture farther north if we don’t get any snow anytime soon.  I hear they have some extra snow in Alaska so that may be an option.
  • I am officially on Team Tebow.   Now that my Lions are out, I need someone to cheer for and why not Tebow?  Nicest guy in the world and no one said he would make it in the NFL.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. karen

    The bowls would work for popcorn or snacks. What are you going to do with the cute girl shoes and clothes? I know they are hard to resist and all of my kids keep having boys so I feel guilty when I buy Kaylee all sorts of clothes and not the boys.

    1. Jennifer

      I always give it to friends!

  2. Tiffany

    I think Keiffer is homeless or jail is his abode. I cannot figure out why Jenelle is always broke and on the streets, I’ve heard they get like 60K a season!!

    1. Jennifer

      She did just buy that new car though! Plus, the drugs for her and Keifer must get expensive.

  3. Maria

    Note to self: Go to Target tomorrow!
    Welcome to Team Tebow! Love that guy! Hope this upcoming game against the Patriots isn’t too horrible. I’m always scared they’re going to hurt him. Ha! What am I, his mother?!

  4. Briana

    Ditto on Chelsea’s hair. I also want to tell her that her bangs are surely not supposed to start that far over on her head.

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