Friday iPhone Dump

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Once again, it’s time for my favorite post of the week!

1. I’m not sure I ever shared any pictures of the water damage from the flooding we had in the basement over the 4th of July weekend, but this pole took the brunt of the damage. Sure the floor is all screwed up, but nothing looks as bad as this pole. The water was maybe one inch at most in any given part of the basement, so I am not 100% sure what went down with this poll.  The power of water cannot be underestimated.
2. W is obsessed with his Jumperoo and prefers it over all of his other “toys”.  He kicks and bounces and goes all crazy.  And yesterday?  He passed right out.  He looked so stinkin cute in there too.
3. W still refuses to smile at the camera.  He can be smiling away, but when he sees that camera, he gets all serious. He has a good smile too, so I think he needs to start showing it off.
4. Ahh, the Thomas train boots that B HATES.  If you’ll recall, these were purchased on a trip to Nordstrom sans B.  While stylish (to L anyways), they are far from “rain boots”.  We had to dump out water from them numerous times while L was splashing in puddles.
5. Sort of a smile.  But not while looking at the camera of course.  And what’s W wearing? Why a white onesie of course.
6. L let me snap one picture before he got his stitches taken out.  He was a little a lot nervous.  We had discussed (and expected) the worst, so he was more than thrilled when stitch #1 (he had 6) came out and didn’t hurt at all.
7. We went out for a walk the other night and you don’t think Baxter actually walked do you?  Heck no.  He rode in the wagon with L.  Buddy?  Well, he ran he entire time.
8. I bought a new activity gym for W (it was one of the few things I bought), but I have L’s old one too.  I bought it out the other day for W to try out and was telling L it was his old one.  He insisted on putting it next to L’s so that they could both play on them.  SO cute.
9. It rained all day yesterday.  All day.  L wanted to play outside and I was about to say no.  I mean, it was raining out.  But I thought about it and said screw it, get your boots on and let’s find an umbrella.  He splashed and splashed and just had a grand old time.  And I had fun too and even got a little soaked myself.  Sometimes you just gotta say screw it and have a good time!
10.  He’s just so cute.  And getting SO OLD.
11.  And finally, that’s L’s fort.   I do love building forts, but when it’s 90 degrees outside and 80 degrees in the house, however, I draw the line at actually hanging out in them.   But L loves them and that’s all that matters!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. April

    Love the pic of the boots! What’s the fort made out of? Missoni for Target blankets? I need those!!!

    1. Jennifer

      Yep, a Missoni blanket! He loves that thing!!!

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