Sunday Social

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1. What were you like in Middle School/HS?
Just like everyone else I guess. I followed the latest “trends” and liked the same kind of stuff everyone else liked. Looking back at pictures, I mean, I look like a complete loser, but everyone else did too, so what can I say? I wasn’t really in anything. I wasn’t in band or on any teams or anything. I had lots of friends. I don’t know. I was just normal.

2. What were your favorite past times?
Shopping, talking on the phone, hanging out with my friends, slumber parties, you know pretty much everything I like to do now (minus the slumber parties – I don’t even want B in my room sometimes). I could probably revert back to my 13 year old self in an instant. I’m not sure what middle schoolers do these days though. Do I even want to know?

3. What songs were you obsessed with?(Backstreet Boys anyone?)
This only goes to show how old I am. Backstreet Boys were cool when I was in college. COLLEGE. Not middle school. New Kids on the Block were popular when I was in middle school and I loved them. Hangin Tough anyone??? They were all so hot. Joey was my favorite. Duh. I believe that Tiffany and Debbie Gibson were also popular? I cannot for the life of me remember any of their songs. No clue who was popular when I was in high school. Umm, Beastie Boys? Dave Matthews? Stone Temple Pilot. Smashing Pumpkins. Pearl Jam. Nirvana. I suck at this weeks Sunday Social by the way. I had to google to see who was popular back then. How can I be expected to keep all this straight from SO MANY years ago??

4. What fashion statement do you look back on and cringe?
Umm, hello, all of them. Penny rolled jeans. Long shirts tucked in in the front but not in the back. Stone wash anything. BANGs. Not just like today’s bangs. I’m talking big poofed up bangs with tons of hairspray holding them up. Perms. You know what was a good look? Perms + bangs. So hot.

5. Who was your celeb crush?
No clue. I am guessing that Zach from Saved by the Bell was one. And maybe Kirk Cameron? Although, I am ashamed of my middle school self for that now since he is clearly not my type anymore. I have no clue who my celeb crushes were in high school. I really liked those Abercrombie and Fitch models though. Is anyone old enough to remember those catalogs they used to put out? Those may have been when I was in college. But I did enjoy the A&F Quarterly ;).

6. What were your favorite tv shows/movies?
Family Ties. Growing Pains. Who’s the Boss. Married with Children. The Cosby Show. The Wonder Years. Perfect Strangers. The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. Full House. Saved by the Bell. Family Matters. 90210. Melrose Place. The Real World. Road Rules. You know what I am realizing? There were a ton of great shows on back in the day! It’s amazing I even was able to go to school. What I wouldn’t do for Saved by the Bell to be on my tv next Saturday Morning. Was Doogie Howser on back then too? I really liked that show. And Alf.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

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