Monday Morning Ramblings

Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

~Did you all watch the Golden Globes last night? I LOVE awards season and this season is fun because I have actually seem some of the movies / tv shows that are nominated. But of course, I really just care about what everyone is wearing. My three favorites last night were Jennifer Lopez (I think she is beyond stunning), Jennifer Lawrence (she just looked beautiful) and Jessica Alba (I will always love her for giving my blog a shout out).  And OMG, Catherine Zeta Jones?  Not looking so good last night.  I am shocked that she and J.Lo are the same age.  I really liked Amy Poehler and Tina Fey as hosts and also thought they looked amazing.  Oh and I had no clue Claire Danes had a baby.  This should come as no surprise as I also did not know Claire Danes was Carrie in Homeland.  I thought it was just someone that looked like Claire Danes.  Like duh.

~I have been toying with the idea of getting rid of cable and getting on the Hulu train. OMG, I had no idea how confusing this all is. I feel like a relic. I know nothing. From what I’ve been told, I need to have Hulu Plus, Amazon Prime and an antenna to be able to watch all the shows I want. And maybe a new computer (it appears my MacBook is out of date when it comes to this?) so I can use AirPlay? I am cracking up just typing this because I thought it was going to be SO easy. Umm, not so much. I only watch like 10 channels, but I am really into those 10 channels and can’t give them up. And I don’t just want to watch on my computer. I want to be able to watch all this on my tv. All of my tv’s actually. Is this possible? Can anyone shed some light on this?

~We had a beautiful day here on Saturday and we took full advantage. L got to drive his jeep, WB went on a walk, we all played outside, B went for a run…it was just amazing!  There aren’t too many days in January in Michigan that it gets to 60 degrees, so you better bet we appreciated it!  I almost expected the ice cream man to come by.  Of course, it rained like crazy yesterday and then got cold and freezing again last night.  But it was good while it lasted.

~I’ve mentioned it a few times on here, but I am slightly obsessed with Tupperware, but could never find anyone I knew to order from.  So I finally decided, heck with it, I will just sell it myself and maybe become all my friend’s Tupperware Lady!  Since I rarely (if ever) attend any in-home parties like Tupperware or Scentsy or Pampered Chef or any of those, I will never ever be hosting any.  But I wouldn’t be sad if you ordered through my link.  And if you ever want to host an online party and earn free stuff, let me know!  Ohh, and if you sell something, put your link in my comments today and I’ll put it up on my yet-to-be-created special tab.

image credit: Tupperware

~For some reason I decided to comment on everyone blog’s who linked up in yesterday’s Sunday Social.  Wow, that was a chore, but also fun to see all the blogs that link up over there!  I noticed a few things 1) There are a lot of chevron blog designs.  A lot.  Chevron is huge in the blogging world.  2) People put links to their blog in the link-ups that don’t even do the link-up posts.  How rude is that?  and 3) Word verification is everywhere.  Nothing makes people want to comment less than word verification.  So annoying.  But I am pleased to report that between WB’s nap time and the Golden Globes last night, I got through all the links.  And found a ton of new amazing blogs to follow!

I think that’s about it from here for now.  What’d you do this weekend?  Anything amazing?  Did anyone do anything crafty?  I want to make a Valentine’s wreath of some sort soon.  Maybe something like this?  It’s possible I could end up regretting this, but it may just be my next project.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 21 Comments

  1. Cindy

    I think I spent my whole childhood at Tupperware parties!! Can’t believe I don’t have hardly any… I will have to get on that! I guess when I was like 5 we went to the Thanksgiving Day parade and when Alice in Wonderland was having tea with friends…I shouted “it’s a Tupperware party”! Cute, right!? Lol…

    1. Jennifer

      OMG stop, I am cracking up! You will need to get some! It’s a shame they don’t have any 90% off sales though. LOL.

  2. Sarah

    Wow, what a task to go through all the Sunday Social links, Good for you! Thanks for stopping by. I have to say something must be wrong with the world when MI is warmer than CA in the winter…just saying. Also I think you might be my long lost best friend or something. Reading your “about me” section, I kept saying, I did that, what, it’s like you were writing about me! Most importantly, I picked my husband up at a bar in hollywood 🙂 Looking forward to what this year holds for you and your cute family!

  3. Jessica McCoy

    Hi Jennifer! Thanks for visiting my blog from the Sunday Social. I’m a new follower of yours as well.

    I didn’t catch the Golden Globes but I love checking out all the photos on

  4. Just found your blog through Anna Lisbeth’s and I have to say I loved this fun, rambling post! I also agree about word verification… totally agree. My husband and I are both bloggers and try to leave comments and participate in the community, but nothing turns us off like trying to figure out those words and numbers! Oh well… 🙂

  5. Sally

    Hi Jennifer,
    I, for one, am so happy you decided to stop by all of the Sunday Social link-ups! What a great idea. If time allows I am going to do the same thing!
    I haven’t had cable for about 3 years now. I used hulu and my kids just watch their shows on Netflix. It does sort of leave us in the dark. Watching the Golden Globes last night my husband and I were shocked to find out about TV shows like Girls and Newsroom (?) and, even though we have heard of them, have never seen an episode of Dowton Abbey, Homeland…or really any nominees.
    On to Tupperware. The steamer looks cool and I have found myself wanting some every now and then, but the question that I can never find the answer to is: is it BPA-free? Maybe you know?
    I am hosting a link up of my own, called Let’s Be Friends. It’s a chance to share little fun facts about yourself with your readers and other bloggers that maybe get left out from bigger posts. Today marks week 2 and I would love it if you stopped by.
    Happy Monday and thanks for following my blog!

      1. Kristin Lockwood

        Super happy that they went BPA free!!! I may new some Tupperware now!!!;). Well, when we make some $ and move. Lol!!

  6. Deb

    Just stopping by to say hello! I loved, loved, LOVED Jessica Alba’s necklace last night. Whoa! Though I think Eva Longoria’s dress one of my favorites (one of, there were many!) So glad to find a fellow Michigan blogger (and MSU grad – GO GREEN!) – I just subscribed via email so looking forward to reading more! Cheers!

  7. Jenny

    You so sound like me and my obsessions. I was buying so much Stampin’ Up stuff that I became a demo and then I love all things Disney and planning so now I’m a travel agent that specializes in Disney Travel I’m going to have to check out your Tupperware page. I love it and haven’t ordered anything ever. I just seem to randomly pick it up places or get it from my mom. 🙂

    Oh and if that wasn’t enough Stampin’ Up is starting a monthly box today!!! My new favorite obsession is being rolled into something I already love. How great is that!!!

  8. Shalane

    I love Tupperware!
    Best wishes for some success and free goodies! 🙂

    My Thirty-One website is:

  9. Marisa Marie

    Stopping by..
    The Golden Globes were great! Tina and Amy can host all the time. My favorite dress was Katharine McPhee amazing. Have a good day!

  10. Shannon

    We got rid of cable about a year ago. We have our home server hooked up to our tv, so we can access the internet through it. We do a combination of Hulu Plus, Netflix, Internet streaming (from the station’s website), and recording the channel. We use Windows Media Center for most of it. I’d say we watch the bulk of our shows on Hulu Plus. What isn’t there, we either go to the website (MTV, for example, will usually put up their shows the day after they air), or we record the channel (ABC, NBC, CBS, PBS, FOX). There are some channels I can’t get very easily. But it has brought our general TV watching down, which I think it a good thing for us. Otherwise TV would be on 24/7 and we don’t want our daughter watching TV ALL day. She tries to do that enough as it is – LOL! It is kind of a pain. But since everything is centralized on the TV for us, I don’t really miss cable. But we also only have one TV, so it makes things a lot easier.

  11. Alice

    I did not have cable for years. We were using antenna, which is totally different from the old school bunny ears or on the roof metal contraption. It actually gave tons of HD channels for the big networks (abc, NBC, CBS etc). Then I would supplement with regular Hulu or stream on the show’s own websites like on USA or ABC Family. It worked ok for me. However, a few months ago, I learned I could get cable Internet and cable TV for CHEAPER than what I was paying for just cable from the same provider. I did not care about the TV part but they basically threw that in if I used it or not, so I totally got it. A friend also told me some cheaper price another friend had gotten, so I went in and told them this totally low price and they gave it to me…..of course I felt cheated all these years and should have listened to the slickdealers about negotiating! I however ended up with no HD channels since I refused to pay 10 more bucks a month and now watch TV like its 2002….and pretend its blurry cause I do not have my glasses on. I still like the control and the fewer commercials of streaming.

    1. Jennifer

      I’m cracking up!! I write my posts in advance because it gets too crazy to write them the day they need to be published! At
      Least you linked up today though! That counts!

  12. Stephanie Bradshaw

    Ooh Tupperware!!!! I grew up on Tupperware… I remember taking my lunches in Tupperware the color of pea green, sunburst orange and lemon yellow, lol! But my mom grew tired of Tupperware and moved to those Ziploc storage containers…that way she wouldn’t feel guilty throwing it out when it got oldy moldy. I’m actually looking to upgrade to Tupperware…do they happen to have bridal registries???

  13. Erika

    I’m so glad you are selling this. I was just thinking last night I wanted to throw away ALL of our current stuff and replace it with something quality, like Tupperware 🙂 Will you be running any specials or anything any time soon?

  14. Rebecca R

    I <3 Tupperware -but i have to admit I like the "old" stuff better than the new. Anytime we find it at the thrift store, my mom, grandma and I have to pick it up – even though the colors leave a lot to be desired.

    I currently sell Perfectly Posh –

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