So What Wednesday!

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It’s So What Wednesday over at Life After I Dew and I’m linking up! This week I am saying SO WHAT if….

~I am going to have to buy my first box of diapers since WB was born soon and I am dreading it!
~I will be sad when the Target Christmas Clearance is over.  And so what if I love hunting for deals for other people just as much as I love getting them for myself.
~I cannot stand those posts on Facebook that say “One Like = Respect” on FB. Just because I don’t like a picture doesn’t mean I don’t respect soldiers or whatever??
~I got all excited when I heard the Target + Neiman Marcus line was 70% off.  Even though I was totally disappointed in it at full price, 70% off changes everything.
~I am super excited that B is turning 30 this year.  FINALLY!!
~I am dreading listening to people talk about Kim K’s pregnancy for the next six months.   I would happily ignore it, but that family is everywhere!
~I cannot imagine life without dogs.  Who do people snuggle with at night after their kids go to bed?  And don’t even say your husband.
~I had to GTS to see what “YOLO” meant.  This was only a few weeks ago mind you.
~I do not like movies that are set in the past.  Or in the future.
~That 6ft. cardboard train is STILL in my living room.  And I am going to let L sleep in it this week.

That’s it from here. What are you saying so what to this week?

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. HA! I didn’t know what YOLO meant either, I had to ask my husband about a month ago because I had no idea and it was driving me crazy! Glad I am not the only one!

    Buying that first pack of diapers is the worst! It is always nice to see that big pile and you think it will last forever but quickly realize it won’t and it bites!! =)

  2. Leigh

    YES to the 1 like = 1 respect/prayer/validation for someone else’s self-worth. Especially the ones that say “If you don’t like this picture, you don’t support our troops!” Honestly, I think the US Army will do just fine without my FB like.

    I’m also going through post-holiday shopping withdrawal. My drug -oops, I mean store – of choice is Kohl’s. The one near me has an extra 25% off their clearance, and then you can use their email coupons (15-20% off) on top of that. Recently, I found a supercute pair of shoes… $49.99, marked 90% off to $4.99, extra 25% off $3.75, with 20% coupon, $3.00!!! Ahahahahaha!!! The only thing that keeps me going is my subscription boxes. I love your reviews! Keep up the awesomeness!

  3. Stephanie Bradshaw

    I’m glad I’m not the only one that is dreading the Kim K. baby news…. I’ve about had it with that hot mess disaster and anything/anyone associated with her.

  4. Kristin

    I had too google YOLO myself a few months ago….and I’m already OVER Kim K’s pregnancy.

    Today I’m saying So What if I ate french fries and a vanilla milk shake for dinner last night in anticipation of my pending detox/cleanse/whole foods and exercise change my life and the size of my hiney now please resolution. 😉

  5. pamela

    The target line was not worth it full price but totally worth it 70% off!! I am hitting up target after work for sure!!

  6. Kelsey N

    If you really want to go on a hunt, Dillon loves the dinosaur lego sets but they are discontinued now. He loves legos and he loves dinosaurs and when you put them together it is just awesome to him. So if you find a really, really good deal… 🙂

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