A Thirsty Thursday Poll!

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No idea what got me thinking about booze today, but I am! And it got me wondering, what does everyone like to drink best? This post could have gotten insane with options, so I stuck with the basics. Beer. Wine. Mixed Drinks. Straight up booze.

I personally prefer wine. White usually wins over red, but I wouldn’t turn down either. Pink wine in a box is also good. At home only though. I listened to too many wine lectures (*) to ever be seen in public (in a super fancy place anyways) with a glass of zin. When I was a single lady (**), I always had a box chilling in the fridge though. Yummy. I should get back into that. LOL. I also love insanely expensive drinks that they make poolside / at a beach that are huge and frozen and can get you boozed up fast! Cocktails made by poolside bars in Las Vegas are some of my favorites. And those slurpee type daiquiri machines? Yes please. And yes, I would like that extra shot of whatever in there thank you very much.

If I drink beer, it’s gotta be the fancy stuff these days. No more cheap beer. College is over and has been for a long time. But don’t get me wrong, I used to enjoy getting my red solo cup on as much as the next girl!

These days I don’t drink much, because, well if you have ever woken up with a nasty hangover to spend the day with a bunch of little kids, you know why.  So what drinks do you love?  In honor of this poll, I may just have a glass of wine tonight while I am having some V-Day chocolate.

(*) When I waitressed at a country club, we’d do weekly wine tastings and learn all about new wines and all that jazz. Our sommelier did not speak kindly of pink wine. At all. But I still love it.
(**) Beyonce shout out!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Jen

    I’m a liquor drinker (when I do drink) never really been a fan of beer or wine.

  2. Stephanie

    Now I am thirsty & in need of a drink!

  3. Michelle

    My preferred drink of choice is Capt. Morgan / Diet Coke or a Cider Beer. However, I just recently discovered Rum Chata. Think of spiced chai…kind of. Super good. I had it mixed with amaretto….delicious. But alone is great too. 🙂

  4. Kristin

    Booze in a glass. Straight up.

  5. Alexia561

    Never had wine in a box, but love the pink stuff! Also love the mixed drinks in the slurpee machines! Think I need to run down to the store and stock up on wine for the weekend! Enjoy!

    AKA Terri

  6. Kristin Lockwood

    Can I answer all of the above? I rarely drink but it depends on the occasion or location. Lol.

  7. Alice

    Sad day when I realized I have the deficient gene that means I cannot really metabolize alcohol, so that I turn purple/red, heart races and I get nauseous with even half a strong drink. Good news is that I have never technically been hung over or drunk, just totally sick. I also never really have to pay for drinks cause no one is going to make the girl who drinks one beer or half a strong drink pay!

    umm yeah has anyone ever asked the bartender in Vegas for half the alcohol in their mixed drink? I have! And he said ok, never heard that one before. (It was also like 10 am and it was one of those super Vegas sizes ones.)

  8. Jessica R.

    I like wine and mixed drinks. I have an especially great love for margaritas. Obviously not doing much drinking right now and don’t much anyway, but being pregnant sure makes you crave alcoholic beverages. What’s up with that?!

  9. Lisa

    Gotta love those frozen drinks with umbrellas.

  10. Jackie

    White wine, usually over ice. Ya know, because I’m classy like that. I saw it on the RHOOC and almost had a stroke, I didn’t think “rich” people did that, haha! I’m intrigued by wine in box though, do tell me more!

  11. Stephanie Bradshaw

    I love me some Margaritas!!!!

  12. Lisa

    You totally should subscribe to Julibox… my first one is coming tomorrow!! (I got a deal on Gilt City a few months back…)

  13. Tara

    Love me some wine! Red is my fav but white is yummy especially on a hot summer night or with seafood. Fancy marinis at restaurants are always fun 2 . Hahaha about the red solo cups drank from those a few times in my life :). And those were the best for playing flip cup!

  14. Jodi Miller

    Mixed drinks are great, especially slushy ones!!! Mmmmmmm, I have been craving a giant ass margarita for SO long!! But, having to nurse my 4 month old, I guess I’ll settled for a few sips rather than a whole drink! Damn you booze, damn you!

  15. Jen

    Should’ve had an “all of the above” option! I don’t have a fave but rather pick depending on my mood or situation. Sadly my drink of choice these days tends to be water or coffee! 😉

  16. Alison

    Ok so I lost my whole comment :/
    I like liquor, because it’s quicker – you know? *haha* I haven’t had liquor/mixed drinks in around 3 years (was trying to get prego, then got prego, now BFing). Now I’m a Wine girl. Wine once the babe goes down is wonderful. My favorite right now is by Cupcake Vineyard – Moscato D’Asti.

    Glad you got the dishwasher to dry your dishes!

  17. Jennifer

    LOVE wine! (of course, French wine is the best 😉 ) Used to drink box-o-wine when I was much younger. Moved on to the bottled wine. We have even bottled our own wine for years (no sulfates, no headaches!). Now a days, I just like to keep my wine racks stocked. I’m not opposed to picking up a cheap Pinot Grigio to cook with – sometimes, I’ll even put it in the recipe!

    I also love beer – pretty much, any kind. My BIL makes his own beer, and while it’s strong, it’s pretty good. I can do everything from a Miller Lite to a mircrobrew.

    Liquor? Not so much. Just haven’t found something I can drink all night (meaning, while with friends, playing cards, etc). I can manage about 2 liquor drinks and that’s it. Shots? NO WAY! They kill me!!!!!

    Sad to say that as of now, I’ve been legal longer than I have not…. sigh….

  18. Cristina

    I love me those giant poolside drinks as well! Nothing like getting drunk and bloated while laying next to the pool. My favorite is a Miami vice – half strawberry daiquiri and half pi?a colada with a 151 floater on top.
    Most of the time I drink beer though. The “fancy” stuff like you. And I totally agree about not drinking too much because of the kids the next day. I’ve done it a couple times and its seriously hell being hungover and a mom. Not worth it!

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