Tuesdays Troubles

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It’s time for another edition of Tuesday Troubles. I’ve said it before, but this should be named “things i’m annoyed / confused / want to complain about”, however I couldn’t figure out how to make any of those into a snappy title, so Tuesday Troubles it is. And yes, I do realize that these aren’t true “troubles”. I know these for sure could be defined as first world problems!

~Can someone explain why my news alerts from CNN, Fox News, USAToday, etc. all come at different times? I’m not just talking about yesterday, I am talking about all the time. I’m not 100% sure what order they come in, but I think CNN *usually* wins. I’ll get a text alert that Adam Scott (who I think is delicious by the way) won the Masters from CNN and then 10 minutes later Fox tells me the same thing. Then a few minutes after that USAToday does. WTF? I’d think they’d all come at the same time no?

~Ugh. So I STILL haven’t planned one thing for WB’s party this weekend. Help me! I need food ideas (nothing fancy) and some ideas on places to buy some cute decorations. I mean, is Party City my only option at this point? There must be some cool secret place to get cute stuff that I don’t know about. I saw some SUPER cute rainbow stuff at Target, but yeah that won’t match his adorable hat and bib and I am super OCD like that.

~So I started C25K(*) (Couch-to5K) on Sunday and I already hate it. But everyone who runs swears that it’s so fun and amazing and that I too will love it. Really? Is this seriously true? I don’t know. I mean I used to run (not like far) and I never liked it then either. I guess I’ll see because I do plan to stick with it. Oh and what is it that when you mention to someone who runs that you started running (I shouldn’t even call it that because it’s more like run/walking), they immediately want to take you running? It’s like insta-friends and I kinda do like that part of it! The running part blows though.

~I mentioned it in my newsletter (you should subscribe), but B and I (although B might not know this until he reads this) are getting tattoos on Friday. I want to get something with the kids names or birthdays or something, but I am not 100% sure what? Does anyone have any ideas? If I had 3 kids, I would do something like this, but I don’t want it to look creepy with just two dates you know?  And I don’t want to include like mine and B’s anniversary or anything because, umm, getting a tattoo like that is one sure way to get divorced.  What about this one?  Better?  Clearly, I need help!!!

~WB is going to be taking his first plane ride soon and when we flew with L when he was a baby, we dragged along his car seat and installed it on the plane.  Umm, yeah, I don’t want to do that again.  It’s awkward and heavy and I want to avoid that.  We have a Sit ‘n’ Stroll, but I don’t want such a big stroller so we’d have to bring another one as well and I’d like to avoid that too. Does anyone know if there are any other options??  Something safe and that the airline will allow (he’ll have his own seat)?  Anyone?????

That’s it from here for now! What’s troubling you today?




(*) I’m actually doing “Ease into 5K” because that was the first C25K app that I found and I can’t do anything without an app. And because I wasn’t paying attention, I started with Week 2, Day 1 instead of Week 1, Day 1. No wonder I thought it was so hard. Oops.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 26 Comments

  1. Alena Pidala

    I actually bought all of Molly’s birthday decorations on http://www.birthdaydirect.com/ It comes SUPER fast, although you made it faster then I know! 🙂

  2. Lyndie

    Food for the party: I’m a huge finger food person. I make dips especially buffalo chicken dip. You can get little pinwheel sandwiches in the frozen food section at Target. Pigs in a blanket are a huge hit at my house. As far as kid food, you can’t ever go wrong with hot dogs and chips.

    I feel ya on the running. I hate it and I don’t foresee myself ever “loving” it or even liking it a little. My sister and brother-in-law are hard core runners. I think they are a little off in the head. LOL I run on the treadmill at the gym but only out of necessity because I don’t want my butt expanding any more than it already is but there is no fun to it.

  3. angela king

    i love that tattoo with the three dates. you could do it with just two. it would rock too.

  4. terri s

    I like both the tats but like the numbers best; maybe to keep it from being creepy you can add their first initial or all the initials in their name. is b getting the same tat? I have a small one on my ankle but want another one just haven’t decided what yet; it was kind of fun getting it; one of my nephews and I went together.

  5. Alison

    I go to the gym 5 days a week religiously and I don?t like running. So many of my friends I?ve made there do races and stuff, and I am just like no not interested. The only time I find that I enjoy running is when I?m really really mad and I just wanna show that mile I can do you in under 9 minutes (which is always my goal and I can usually just barely make it under 9 minutes… that’s not even that good but it’s so hard!!)? Maybe it’s because I don’t like to do things I’m not really good at. I?d rather power walk 3 miles w a friend chatting away than run any day.

  6. Jessica R.

    For Owen’s first birthday (Dr. Seuss-themed), I bought a design package from Anders Ruff on Etsy and printed out all the designs myself and strung together the banner, etc. It was really easy. Then I just bought some Dr. Seuss plates and napkins and matching balloons at Party City. You could try looking on Etsy. They should be able to customize their designs with WB’s name and e-mail the PDFs to you within a day or so. Tattoos scare me because I am so indecisive, but I think the roman numerals one is pretty neat looking.

  7. Whitney

    You best bet might be DIY from ETSY, simply because I’m not sure if the products will get to you in time. 3 days? 4 if they ship today? That’s pushing your luck if you ask me. Javi’s 1st birthday isn’t until December and I am already trying to think of what I want the theme to be. EEK!

  8. Lucy

    I sent my friends a text alert last weekend that Adam Scott was hot. Not the same as the CNN Alert but still informative!

    And I agree on the running – I hate it… my “runs” are usually 80% walking and 20% running.

  9. Lisa

    I started running in April 2010 (at age 37). I hated it!! I hated it in high school, don’t know why I thought it would change. I couldn’t even run a half mile without wanting to quit. But I stuck with it because I set a goal to run a 10 km race Aug 2010 and wanted to just follow through on something vs. be self defeating. I ran the race, it almost killed me (I eaggerate) but it was an accomplishhment I remember till today (major high).

    I pretty much hated running for the 1st year, but loved the feeling of crossing the finish line (and a perky butt). I’ve had a few injuries in between when I started and now and can say – I crave the runs now. I hate when injury or illness keep me away.

    At 40 I will now run my 1st half marathon! I love calling myself a runner, I now look at destination runs with friends (Hawaii and/or Prague here I come!). The running community is very supportive – it is actually awesome! I live in a big city and when you pass anothe runner on the street they nod, or wave or say morning – where else do you get that? I say stick with it a bit, find a partner to run with.

    Good Luck!

  10. Amanda

    The first thing I thought of when I saw wb’s hat was dr Seuss! U could totally do a dr Seuss theme and have Swedish fish, fish sticks, (one fish two fish) and decorate bowls like his hat…

  11. Brittany

    I love the first tattoo. I don’t think it will be weird to just have 2 dates. I think it would be fine even with one. That also leaves you with the option of adding another (if yall decide to have another). You might have just given me the itch to get another tattoo. I can’t wait to see what you come up with. The artist can usually tell you a variation of what you want that would look best.

  12. Rose D.

    I like the Roman Numeral tattoo. I agree that the dates would be WAY too creepy with just two. Even if you add their initials.

    As for running, I hated it at first because I was bad at it. But after a while (a year or two) I realized that I loved it. It is relaxing, and is the only real “me” time I get. Very important: Invest in a GOOD sports bra. Not one of those cruddy pull over things. Go to a running store and get fitted. You will thank yourself later. Stick with it and you can totally do it!

  13. Lisa

    I was going to suggest the Kids Fly Safe harness (see above comment from Kyra) but we borrowed one from friends and used it when we flew once with our son and didn’t want to drag the car seat on board, I think he was around 2 at the time. He would NOT sit still it in and it slid down the seat and it really was NOT effective. For your trip and since WB is small (1 yr old), I would suggest either lugging the car seat on board to keep him comfy or putting him in a carrier (like the Bjorn) and then having him on your (or B’s) lap during the flight. Seriously, I know the car seat is a pain but it is totally worth it, might even put him to sleep the whole time.

  14. sheena

    I’ve always thought about running. I think I would actually love it…as long as I have some good music playing in my ears. But I am quite top heavy and it hurts so much. One time I wore 4 sports bras to keep them from bouncing everywhere and it still hurt. I would do it if I found a really good bra :(.

  15. Kristin S.

    My friend and I were just talking about this during our run on Sunday. I’m a runner and I love it but I haven’t been consistent AT ALL so right now my runs are less than “fun”. But it will only take a few weeks of consistency to get past the “I hate this and feel like crap” stage before I’m back in the love running zone. I think that is what happens to a lot of people. They either quit right away or they aren’t consistent enough to get into the love zone. You also have to enjoy spending time alone in your head…LOL I do a lot of thinking, planning and daydreaming while running…..And yes…runner love is pretty awesome. I joined a running group for the first time ever recently and it’s so funny how you are instant “friends”.

  16. jen

    My son just had his second birthday. We did a tiny food theme. I found little paper trays in the dollar section of Target. Then I had tiny hot dogs (from the freezer section in Walmart), sliders, and the little potato sticks from the chip aisle(we called them tiny fries). We had different food for the adults. The kids seemed to love their tiny foods.

  17. Viv

    If you have a panini maker, how about a grilled cheese bar? Or something you can make ahead of time in a crock pot like pulled pork/chicken so you don’t have to worry about food last minute.

    I sort of followed C25K a few years ago and it gets better as you develop. I hated it when I started and I really had to push myself through at least half before I felt like I was getting the hang of running. Getting fitted for nice running shoes was a good motivation and helped me a lot (my arches would get cramped after a certain distance). I love running with friends, but I hate talking when I run so I’m a great listener then!

  18. Alexia561

    Sorry I don’t have any suggestions for WB’s party, but I’m looking forward to seeing what you come up with! I like Amanda’s idea for Dr. Suess food, and would add goldfish crackers (one fish, two fish).

    Can’t help you with running tips either, as I’m strictly a walker due to bad knees. 🙁

  19. Hi Jennifer
    Couch to 5k is great when you get in to it! – I must start it again. I think it’s time – no more ‘I had a baby’ excuses!
    Wow – tatoos! Nice idea. Not sure they would be nice on my Irish skin tone and freckles though – I think we need some sun here in Ireland so I can get a tan of some sort!

  20. Lauren

    I HATE running, with a very deep deep deep passion. It’s good cardio but it is hell on your body (ie: your joints). Avid runners almost always end up with knee/hip replacements/surgeries (I’m a nurse, I know). Which is plenty of reason to keep me away from running…. ever…. However, Zumba, I LOVE! It is great cardio and fun! I never get bored while I’m in a class!

    I like that second tattoo option! (And the first one really). But I’m biased, I have my son’s birthday tattooed on top of my shoulder in roman numerals (the same place Rhianna has one). I love it! It is my favorite one of my six-ish tattoos!

  21. Ashley

    I used to run! But hated it when I did it. I’d run a few miles on a treadmill — I’m the opposite of most folks..I can’t run outside. I get bored & stop. The treadmill forced me to keep going.. That was back when I was hitting the gym all the time. But as my Lyme got worse & work got crazier I stepped back from the gym/running.

    Now I just do yoga / pilates / weight training at home 🙂

  22. Shannon Dew

    EEEP!! A tattoo?! OMG I never thought I’d see the day! My BFF has just the numbers/dates of her 2 girls bdays on her wrist and it doesn’t look weird or creepy at all! Besides, there may be a #3, right!?

  23. Mary Q.

    Totally agree on the running. I ran track in middle+high school and I can’t say I ever enjoyed it, though there were a few times that I felt pretty good about myself after a workout. Or that one time I actually wasn’t a lagger during warm-ups. It’s too bad swimming isn’t as accessible cuz I enjoy that! I’m more of a strength-training person though.

    Oh and at dinner tonight I thought it might be interesting if for one of your next polls you asked people how they like their salads… I threw some apples and strawberries in with all my veggies for a sort of garden salad today and LOOOVED it. Why don’t more salads come with fruits mixed in? Am I the only weirdo who likes that (and doesn’t like cheese)??

  24. Alysia

    hahaha! I would never tell anyone that C25K is FUN! Just that it works 😉 Haven’t got to the “fun” part yet…(and I’ve finished it)

  25. Dani

    Only runners think running is fun. They also think everyone else will think it is fun, but everyone else doesn’t. By everyone else, I mean me.

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