What I’m Loving Wednesday

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What I'm Loving Wednesday.jpg
I’ve been feeling kinda silly “linking-up” with this kind of love for What I’m Loving Wednesday because she doesn’t do it on a regular basis anymore;(. I do love the post though, so I decided to make my own button for it and if she comes back I’ll ditch it and link back up with her and if she doesn’t, I’ll continue to use it and maybe even make it a link-up of my own.

I’m Loving…..


My Oldest Boys. Ahh, these three. They have been buddies since the day (okay maybe the day after) we brought L home from the hospital.  I know not everyone is a dog person, but I cannot (and do not want to) imagine life without Buddy and Baxter!  They were always so good with L (and now with WB) and I think L would have been super bored with no dogs and no siblings before WB came along!

I’m Loving…..

Westjet Christmas Miracle.  
OMG stop it.  This?  This is fantastic!  I cannot even imagine what it would have been like to be in that baggage claim ALL annoyed and in a hurry to get your bags (because let’s face it once we are off that plane we want to get those bags and GO) and then see all those presents coming down the belt.   And all the employees look like they are having an amazing time with it as well.  Love everything about this!

I’m Loving…..

image credit: Target
image credit: Target

Chevron PJ Pants. Is it any secret that I love these? I think not. I was searching for chevron sheets for L’s new room I ran into these.  They are being added to my Christmas list as we speak!  B are you reading this?  (I have to actually say “B” because he doesn’t read any parts of my blog that do not mention “B).

I’m Loving…..

Stop it
Stop it

Bedtime Kisses.  Every night before WB goes to bed I tell him to go give his brother a kiss goodnight and they run towards each other and then this.  I die.  The other night driving home from dinner they were in the backseat just cracking up at each other and B and I just looked at each other and smiled. I don’t know if they will always get along so well, but I am eating it up right now!

I’m Loving…..

Stella & Dot Tech Tote
Stella & Dot Tech Tote

A New Bag. I bought this Stella & Dot Tech Tote (in “Poppy”) months ago and hadn’t broken it out yet for whatever reason.  I spied it in my closet yesterday and realized that now was the time.  And OMG it’s even better in action than in my closet.  My SIL has the same one and said that she gets compliments on it everyday!

I’m Loving…..

image credit: Walmart
image credit: Walmart

Wilton Food Pens.  Umm, why am I know just finding out about these?  Genius.  L (and WB for that matter) are going to love decorating sugar cookies with these.  I need to get to Walmart and see if I can find these bad boys.

I’m Loving…..

image credit: Bella J
image credit: Bella J

Bella J Candles.  I have seen a lot of mystery / surprise candles, but none cuter than these.  They were on Live With Kelly and Michael this week and I had to go seek them out right after. These too are on my Christmas wish list!

 That’s it from here.  What are you loving this week?

Spread the love


Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 29 Comments

  1. Savanna

    I have never heard of those candles, but I looked them up and so freaking cute! Okay, not as cute as boys giving kisses goodnight, but cute! I am so going to have to order myself a couple!

    1. Jennifer

      Tell mr that you get in it!!

  2. Rose D.

    That Stella & Dot bag for tomorrow’s giveaway!! OMG I want it!

    1. Jennifer

      Lol. I should have!

  3. Rebecca

    Love your blog I’m always learning about new stuff. The candles look neat. I may have to order one. Plus the airline video was so cute. I’m doubting Delta is planning that for me when I fly home to Detroit for Christmas.

    1. Jennifer

      I highly doubt that.iOf you get home on
      Time that’s their gift to you.

  4. Sara

    Omigod, that westjet video is insane, I’m sitting in the pick-up lane for my son at school, just balling my eyes out… That woman who got the camera… I can’t even…!

    1. Jennifer

      I know right? They were all SO excited. I watched the out takes too. Santa actually told some guy he should ask for something better. Lol.

  5. Alexia561

    Am a huge fan of Buddy and Baxter, and love that all of your boys get along so well! And the brother kisses? Too adorable for words!

    1. Jennifer

      They are all so sweet!!!!

  6. Rita Morgan

    I LOVE those Target pants! Just put them on my Xmas list, I think my Santa will get a heart attack because the list is getting longer day by day. I have seen the Westjet video on Facebook a couple of days ago, loved it! The guy asked more socks and underpants sounds like my hubby who pack 2 pairs for a 7 days trip …….

    1. Jennifer

      I love that video. I have probably watched it half dozen times since I first saw it.

  7. Stacey

    I watched that Westjet video 3 times today, and I made everyone at work watch it, It just made smile all day!!

    Five Minute Style?

    1. Jennifer

      It’s so amazing!

  8. Bobbi

    Just ordered one of the candles for my mother for christmas.

  9. Sara

    That Westjet video is amazing. Totally bawled my eyes out at the end. Love the chevron pants I might add them to my wish list too. You always share the best stuff!!

  10. wisconsin gal

    It’s normal to ball over the video right?

    That is so fun to watch, and what a cool idea. That was an amazing and oh so fun video. Thanks for sharing.

    1. Jennifer

      I think it is normal!

  11. Katrina

    If you can’t find the food markers at Walmart, you should be able to find them at Michael’s or Hobby Lobby

    1. Jennifer

      Thank you!

  12. Mikkii

    we love the wilton food pens too! Our walmart was all tricky with them though. I thought i was going to find them in the craft area with the other cake decorating supplies, but instead they were in the grocery section with the baking stuff! 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      Thanks for the heads up!

  13. Meredith

    The west jet video!! Omg, I can’t even. So amazing!

  14. Sher

    Westjet is like the Canadian equivalent of Southwest Airlines, but obviously more into Xmas. I love those PJ pants but I fear they wouldn’t look very good on me.

    1. Jennifer

      Have you ever flown them???

      1. Sher

        Yes, both Southwest and WestJet (and my former sister in law works for WJ). It’s a very customer-friendly airline ? I hope it does well in Canada, and gives Air Canada some much-needed competition. You should use them when you can (they also have a credit card out there, if you’re interested).

        1. Jennifer

          If I am ever flying through Canada I will use them.

  15. kristina o.

    OHHHH that bag. LOVE!

    I am looking for a really nice one to carry my stuff around since I have started my own business.

    Do you think DSLR camera would fit in here with a laptop?

    I wanna look cute when I go to events not all big and bulky. lol.

    1. Jennifer

      I do think it would! THe sides have zippers so it expands if you need more space. And you can return if it doesn’t work out. They have free return shipping.

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