Friday’s Letters

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Dear Fro-Yo, You finally happened yesterday (in the freezing cold and snow) and you were fabulous. And, better yet, it was BOGO FROYO! What? Not only did I get to go on a little date with just L, we got a deal too!

Dear Target Toy Clearance, I think I am going to be able to resist you this year. And I am quite happy about that.

Dear Parenthood, You are a good show. Lots going on and I never did catch up on all the back episodes, but I really like you.

Dear NFL Playoffs, I also really like you. I don’t know why, but I was listening to sports talk radio the other day in the car (who am I?) and was super into the discussion. I

Dear Clean Eating, I MUST get back on your train. I must. The less soda thing is going well (alright, it’s going “ok”), but everything else, umm, not so much.

Dear This Week, You know what, you weren’t too bad. I think everyone has adjusted to the new schedule(s) nicely and we’re going to do just fine this semester!

Dear Weekend, We have no real plans for you and that is very exciting to me.

Dear My Children, Why do you only want something when I am on the phone?  It NEVER fails.  Who are you talking to?  I need a snack.  I want to show you something.  Who are you talking to?  He hit me. I get off the phone and you want nothing to do with me.

Dear Justin Bieber, I am so glad you aren’t my neighbor.

Dear My Car, You stink.  No, you aren’t a bad car, but you literally stink.  It’s like someone left a sippy cup of milk in you.  Except no one did which I think is even worse.  UGH.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 18 Comments

  1. Amanda

    Hello Jennifer!
    Happy New Year, I haven’t commented in a while…but I’m still hear reading every day! Trying to keep warm up North. I just wanted to say Thanks for letting us know in the last Thursday Thoughts about the Illume Candles. I was able to get free shipping to Canada with the coupon code! I love the candles and the tins are adorable! I went to order more but I guess the coupon code expired, I’m happy I got them last week when I did!

    Also I would like to report the Targets here in Canada were 90% off too. WEEHOO! Got some amazing deals on wrappings paper! I love seeing your hauls from Target!

    Happy Friday!

    1. Jennifer

      Ahhh, that is great to hear that your Targets get to 90% off too! Is it the same stuff on clearance?

  2. Jenny

    OMGoodness the phone thing drives me crazy. They can be ignoring me for hours and then I say I need to make a call do they need anything and no but then as soon as I get on they need me for everything. I’m sure the Disney people love me when I call them with the screaming kids in the background. LOL
    Home for Disney and have a cold so water is not cutting it. I need the soda. LOL Once this is over I’m actively going to reduce my soda intake. I have a cruise in March and in April I need to get bathing suit ready early this year. 😉

    1. Jennifer

      Something tells me the people at Disney are used to screaming kids!

      Where are you going on your cruise??

      1. Jenny

        March cruise goes to Jamaica, Grand Caymen and Cozumel and the April one just a weekend cruise to Nassau. 🙂

        Yes the Disney people are great and I’m sure they are used to it.

        1. Jennifer

          Ahhh, so fun!

  3. Mikkii

    I try to keep a “mostly” clean car. I don’t count lost goldfish, gummy bears, fruit loops, french fries, half eaten nuggets, or cheerios as a mess 🙂 However, I noticed about a week ago that my car had a very “foody” odor. Not unpleasant, but more like we had come home with takeout and the smell had permeated the car. Fast forward a week and the smell has become horrendous and rancid. I went out in the garage determined to find and it and discovered a horrendously rotten “Something” underneath one of the seats. The best I can figure out is that it is a fruit or vegetable of some form or another that is currently unidentifiable that fell out of a bag from grocery shopping and rolled under there! ugh!

    1. Jennifer

      I don’t count that as a mess either. That’s a “dry” mess!

      And OMG I am so scared to stick my hand under the seat?.

  4. Mrs. L

    Dear Christmas Decorations, You will be gone by Monday. No really. Pinky Promise.

    Dear Oscars, Last year I saw every best picture nominee, all the shorts, the animated movies, some of the documentaries. Movies were a great escape after my mothers passing. This year? Nothing. Haven’t seen one in any major category (and why isn’t there one for Thor just on principle alone?) I’m sorry. Maybe next year I’ll get back on the movie bandwagon. This year I’m all about binge watching TV shows like The Blacklist.

    Dear James Spader, Thank you for being just so dang good in The Blacklist. I really want your character to have my back in real life.

    1. Jennifer

      Do you still have them all up??

      1. Mrs. L

        Everything is down except for the Christmas tree and a few items I’ve found that were missed. There are several boxes full of stuff still in the living room that have to be put under the house and a few things in the downstairs bathroom. Oh and all the cling-on snowflakes that are in every window. Completely forgot about them.

        1. Jennifer

          I always forget those too!

  5. Danielle

    Dear Kim Kardashian,
    You are a multi-millionaire. Why does every picture you post of North also include spit-up all over her and her fancy-schmancy designer (ugly) clothing. It’s gross. Stop it. I’m a mommy and I realize babies barf A LOT but I dont send that grossness out to everyone! Certainly, you could have your nanny figure out what a bib is? Or maybe change her clothes? And stop posting all those photos of designer clothing and then continue dressing her in hideous grey baby garbage bags. Stop it.

    1. Jennifer

      I never noticed that! Now I am going to go google this…

  6. Ashley C.

    Ugh, my car! Theres no smell, but the “stuff” is driving me crazy! Most of it is from the kids — a toy here and there that they didn’t bring back into the house, papers or worksheets from church, a wrapper from something they ate. It accumulates after awhile — I need to get better about staying on top of it! {Also — are you watching the newest season of Real World? It looks like its gonna get pretty good! And I know some of that “reality” stuff is right up your alley!}

    1. Jennifer

      OMG No! My lack of cable has me kind of clueless about new shows. Tell me everything!

      1. Ashley C.

        For starters, I feel incredibly OLD knowing this is the 29th season … and I started watching pretty regularly during MIAMI – which was like season 5?! Ugh, anyways … I guess people were probably getting a little bored with the show, because this year they threw in a twist. The roommates show up and get to know each other for a few weeks — and then suddenly, all of their exes move into the house, without the originals knowing its going to happen. Curve ball!

        But within the first night you have one chick who is from San Fran who thinks her shh don’t stick and she runs the place. She starts a fight with another roommate. Two of the roommates have sex in the confessional. Another two are “talking” and by the end of the second episode [like a week in] have made their “relationship” official. HA! There’s your type cast lesbian, and the one guy who seems like he’ll be mellow and no problems.

        Not sure what it is … but I’m seriously drawn to it this season!

        1. Jennifer

          OMG. I didn’t realize it was the 29th season. Umm, I started watching Season 1 in New York. I am so so so old.

          I need to find this on Hulu!!!! Thanks!

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