Disclosure: If you make a purchase through the links posted below, I may receive a small compensation. Read the full disclosure.

I’ve been looking forward to my January 2014 Fabletics order and was happy to see it in the mailbox yesterday.
In case you haven’t heard of them, Fabletics is the brainchild of actress and co-founder Kate Hudson, who partnered with the team behind JustFab to develop a multi-functional wardrobe solution for today’s active woman. Each month you’ll receive a new workout outfit (pieces you may select from include tops, tanks, tees, sports bras, hoodies, jackets, leggings, pants and shorts) starting at $49.95/month. And the best part is that if you aren’t interested in any of the items that month, don’t need anything, etc. you are free to skip the month (just do so by the 10th of the month) and won’t be charged.
Fabletics ships via FedEx Smart Post and took just shy of a week to arrive. I forgot to order right away when they released the new outfits on the 1st otherwise I would have gotten this about a week ago.
Everything comes packaged in individual packages just like if you’d ordered from, say the GAP or whatever. Fabletics includes a packing slip, but since you know what you ordered (you pick out your outfit after all), they don’t include an information card. I opted for the “Replenish” outfit this month, which included the following pieces:
~Astoria Shrug ($39.95): Once I saw this, I knew right away that I needed it. It’s longer on my on than it is on the model, but I am probably also a GOOD 6 inches shorter, so that explains that. I thought this one ran TTS, where I think the rest of the jackets I have tried run a little smaller.
~Vaasa Tank (Dark Raspberry) ($24.95): I love the color of this tank (and style) of this tank, but if it were a different material I’d probably love it more.
~Sydney Leggings (Black / Raspberry) ($49.95): I picked these because they were a little different and I don’t know if I love them. I’ll totally wear them, but I don’t want them in every color or anything!! I really really like their “Daru” Bootcut pants. I think those are my favorite Fabletics piece.
The January Fabletics outfit I selected had a value of $114.85. I paid $69.95, and as I always am with Fabletics, happy with the quality and style of my pieces. I can’t even tell you the last time I bought something at Lulu, but I know that if I purchased something similar there, it would have been well over $200!
What do you think of Fabletics? Something you’d check out? New members get 50% off their first outfits right now automatically, so if you are interested in ordering or just want to check out their outfits, click here!
I got the Refresh outfit and was so impressed with the quality. I’m ready to order another outfit !
Their pants are so smooth and silky!
Fabletics provides horrible customer service. They make it nearly impossible to unsubscribe. If you press the button to unsubscribe to their service (not getting billed every darn month!) they put you on hold for 20 minutes then cut you off so you cannot do it. It is impossible to unsubscribe through email or chat, also. DO NOT GET CAUGHT IN THIS SCHEME! They will bill you every month whether you want it or not!
I totally agree with you. I just called to cancel my membership and every other sentence she said, “My name is Amber…” I wanted to scream! I canceled because I sent an email asking a question and could only get a scripted reply that did not even come close to answering my question.
agree I signed up and then when outfit arrived way too small so thought will contact to return. called number and was told I did not exist.? they did not have my email so could not help me? what you mailed it to me and now can not obtain a return or even an exchange. so now have an outfit that can not wear and can not return although up side they can not charge me as they do not know me/
If you are shaped like Kate Hudson & have her $$$, Fabletics is fine for you.
1. I’m an older woman with curves. NONE of those sports bars work for me.
2. I don’t need a new outfit every month.
3. I haven’t got $50 to spend on sweaty clothes monthly – I do laundry. My workout is not a fashion show!
4. Style? Nice for sitting around, but I don’t like workout clothing that hangs off of me or has holes in it – especially if I’m trying to move freely during a workout. Yes, I’m old and have some public modesty.
5. When you sweat in the capris, it shows! I hate walking out of the gym looking like I couldn’t make it to the bathroom!
6. Customer service: 4 phone calls to get unsubscribed. Why? They refuse! Very unpleasant!
Same with me! They kept billing my credit card but never sent me any outfits! I finally had my credit card block them after losing $400 and getting nothing for it 🙁
You have to go in and manually select your outfits each month. If you don’t go in and do it or if you don’t skip that month, you will be charged and the credits will go in and accumulate in your account until you go pick your outfit. If you have been being billed monthly and haven’t received anything, go check your account and see how many credits you have. You probably have enough for 8-9 free outfits which you can redeem wall at once.
it seems that when I blocked them from my credit card, then they blocked me from using the website. So whatever may have accumulated can’t be used 😐
haha – I had such a hard time this month because I actually needed the Daru pants (my Gap yoga pants got a hole), but I really wanted the shrug! I went with the Daru pants…..now they have a mini collection up with the exact combo I wanted – boo!! This time being on picking out my outfit right at the beginning of the month didn’t work out in my favor.
OMG I saw that yesterday and was like WHAT? That would have been the perfect outfit!
I’m on the fence about this. I work out a lot and usually just wear the same thing but now that I go to kickboxing more, I need something that is lighter. I have been eyeing a few outfits and for $25, why not?
I mean for $25, why not??
I wouldn’t wear any of the outfits doing anything bouncy like kickboxing…just yoga or something. It’s pretty low quality and thin. I’m don’t think it will last through more than a couple of wears. It’s cute – sort of. The bra tops are SO thin EVERYTHING shows though so it’s borderline obscene. The you get signed up for their monthly deliveries which are charged automatically ($50) unless you skip or call to cancel. It’s a pain as you need to sit through 3 sales pitches to cancel. The 1st outfit was barely worth $25. It’s definitely not worth $50. I canceled.
So I told M that as I’m getting back into exercising that I am getting this sub. I told myself that I have to do something 3 times a week and if I can do that then I’m going to order. These look so fun everymonth.
I would never be able to get this sub if I said that. LOL!
Well I’m taking it pretty liberal so if I walk with the boys that counts. Chase them around the culdesac yeap that works too. 😉
Totally works ;).
I placed my first order this month through an ad on a running site. I was so impressed with the quality of the items. I think I ordered replenish – mine came with the shrug as well. I just chose the whole outfit that it was modeled with. So happy with this new sub.! This is my last month of Popsugar – I have been subscribing since the beginning and figured I need a change. This is an awesome one so far!
I haven’t been disappointed with the quality yet!
I think it’s disgusting that their size xl is a 12-14. They need to make clothes for REAL women.
Do ‘real’ women only come in sizes above 14?…
No, but a size 12 is the “average” American women per studies.
“Per studies” the average American is over-weight.
re: “per studies” the average American is over-weight”
Ignorant at best – by your standards, only thin women should be allowed to work out?
AGREED Affordable workout clothing should be available to all sizes, if possible. It is a sad standard that Americans are overweight.
We’re too obsessed over size #. Health should be stressed not size.
“re: ?per studies? the average American is over-weight?
Ignorant at best ? by your standards, only thin women should be allowed to work out?”
Do what, hu? I do not understand your comment. Am I missing a hidden message?
It is these lines of clothing that make is seem only women size 12 and under should work out because they only make up to size 12. They enforce the size# mentality, because their size range ends at a 12! If you don’t fit that 2 to 12 range you can’t wear the clothes. Last time I checked there are lots of women over size 12. I think all these main stream ready to wear designers should be making a full range of sizes available in all their designs.
I am curious on how long you have to be a member? I have been contemplating on joining. But just wondering how long you are committed to the monthly charges…
I don’t think you have to be a member any length of time. You can cancel after your first shipment as far as I know!
I just made my first order but I don’t plan on keeping my subscription. Is it too early to cancel my subscription? My shipment is suppose to arrive this Friday (2/28).
I think you can cancel now.
Just wondering if any of you ladies who had ordered had any figure challenges…heavy bustline, large bottoms, etc. Do you find that the bra type tops fit well regardless of your bustline? Also are the bottoms well proportioned no matter what size your bottom is?? Please help those of us who generally use workout clothing that is more heavy duty than these pieces appear to be.
Hi Kim! I’m considered “busty” for my size (I’m only 5’1″, size 4-5 bottoms, but wear a 34DD sports bra). I tend to not purchase anything with a built in sports bra, because it just won’t fit. The sports bras they offer are light-medium support, so for me, that means sometimes yoga, but mainly just running errands and sleeping, since anything active would give too much bounce since they’re not that constricting on me.
This might be a little late, but I thought my sports bra would be a bust. I am a 36F in a proper UK fitted bra. IE- no ridiculous added inches. The sports bra is not suitable for running but can be worn through a HIIT work out just fine. I actually prefer it for active days as it is quite comfortable. I wish it had an underwire so I could avoid uni-boob syndrome, but it’s not so bad that it’s embarrassing. As far as the commentary on the website, it was quite clearly stated that it was subscription based when I signed up. You have to be illiterate or willfully ignoring it to miss the detail. I find it unfair to fabletics that everyone is irate about it. Sure, they could have ran their business just like a normal brand. With the subscription craze happening, and the fact that they need to build a loyal base before they take lululemon on head to head, the model makes sense. Everyone really needs to grow up about that.
Out of curiosity, are the length of the pants true to what the website says?? I am only 5′ tall and have a 29″ inseam. I found that some of the pants on the fabletics website state they have a 29″ inseam… Wondering if they will fit, or be way too long like every other pair of workout pants I have tried to buy?
I have a few different styles I can measure for you if you want. Any specific one you are interested in?
Definitely true! I am 5-5’1 and have a 29″ inseam (confirmed since I have to have every single pair of pants hemmed) and the leggings I just got are a good 2-3″ too long on me!
Just don’t try to return something. I have been waiting a week for my return label. Have been on the phone with them every other day & they say that they are sending my concern to a manager and they will get it out. I am starting to wonder if this is a place that if you try to cancel or return anything they keep you in a run around. At least they are answering the phones, but if they don’t do what they are suppose to do then answering the phones is not much help.
You’d think it’d be much easier to just return something!
I have never had a problem returning items. I was delayed a couple days in getting my return label. I called and it was emailed while I was on the phone with the CS rep. I love the Lima Capri. I buy a lot of Lululemon and Athleta and the Lima Capri is very comparible. Since Fabletics just launched in October, there are going to be some things that need to be fixed. They’ve added sizes. They make pants in lengths. Give it time. $25 for your first outfit and $49,$59,$69,or $79 is pretty cheap considering the average Lululemon Capri alone is $72 and pants/tights are $92.
I ordered an outfit from them and really wanted to love the leggings I got but when I first put them on at the gym I noticed there was a hole in the seam of the crotch! I was so disappointed because I loved the pattern and material of the pants. I talked with customer service and they don’t seem very helpful. I’m still not sure whether or not they’ll take them back since they aren’t in “resalable condition” even though they came defective. :/ The lady told me I had to pay a $5.95 restocking fee? I don’t understand why I have to pay that when the pants aren’t even going to be resold. I wanted so badly to like this company but I don’t think I’d buy from them again :/
That is disappointing!!!
Sorry to hear you had a small hole when you received your item. You shouldn’t have to do this, but this is what I do whenever I receive an item that has a small hole. Take a needle and a piece of matching thread and do a few stitches and it will be as good as new! Takes just a couple of minutes and saves you having to return the item. Works for me!
I was thinking of getting some stuff from fabletics but after reading all these comments I think I’ll pass. Monthly memberships are not for me.
The fabric is really cheap! Price may sound good but you get what you pay for= bad quality product.
I am a size 2 (skinny arms) and got some arm warmers that didn’t pass the midsection of the anterior part of my arms. They are “OSFM/OSFA”.
Very disappointing!
I was excited to receive my tank and crop pants from Fabletics. Unfortunately, the clothing was a major disapointment. The fabric was horrible, as is the fit. I will be returning my clothes. After reading theses review though, that doesn’t seem like an easy situation. I was really looking forward to a new line that was less expensive than Lulelemon but this just isn’t it. Sorry Kate, I don’t think this will last!
That’s too bad! I hope you can get if handled easily!
I just cancelled my membership. This site is such a scam. I joined with 2 friends and they have also had the same experience. We ordered our first outfits and when we tried to exchange for size, they were out of the size and style. Altogether!!! As in they no longer even carry the bottoms we were looking for. And these were two different types of bottoms. So, they offered for us to buy a new bottom for extra money!!! What???!!! Why would I do that? Where is the whole deal about getting an outfit for $25 when it really costs me more because they discontinued the bottoms to the original outfit??? Their service is horrible. I’m STILL waiting on the substitute pants because I REFUSE To believe I was swindled into paying $29 dollars for a sports bra and ordinary black top… UGH!!! I WILL NEVER EVER ORDER FROM THEM AGAIN!!! NOT WORTH THE HASSLE, KATE!!!
Terrific review Jennifer! I hope this is cool with you, but I posted a link to it on a Fabletics Reviews facebook page to hopefully share with others who might be interested in these items.
Thank you!
I’m glad I found your blog! I have been looking for legit reviews on Fabletics. It seems from these comments that the clothes are cute..however due to the “awful” customer service you’re pretty much stuck buying monthly attire…subscribed or wanting to unsubscribe, that to me seems very shady.
I have never had a problem, but I have also never tried to cancel either?
Who needs a new athletic outfit every single month??? Making a nice and “affordable” athletic line was a great idea but this monthly scam isn’t going to fly with anyone. Poor customer service on top of the hassle of having to cancel every month before..ooops! You’re charged for an outfit you didn’t even need or want. Why don’t people realize this is too scammy to be taken seriously?! Nobody wants to be hooked it like that! You shouldn’t have to be signed up for ANYTHING on a monthly basis. Who’s idea was this?? DUMB.
Service is a nightmare! Please read the script from my customer service chat and read to the bottom. Im over Fabletics:
Your chat number is 1BF-1AFA6B7D-03FD
Jill: Hello, I have emailed numerous times and its really hard to get a reply. I made a return and on the return form I selected a credit to avoid the restocking fee. After I sent the package back I notified the customer service via email and told them what form of refund Id selected and stated I only wanted a refund if I would not be charged a restocking fee but otherwise keep it as Id selected (account credit) on the return form. OK so no one responded but then I noticed I was charged a 5.95 restocking fee. I emailed CS again and instead of fixing the problem the reply was merely a confirmation that I was charged a restocking fee. For some crazy reason, 1 item was credited tot eh account and the other was refunded to my card minus the restocking fee. Actually;y I never saw the item appear on my credit card statement so Ill have to follow up with that as well. Anyway that was a lazy response since obviously I was looking for assistance as well as a solution to the problem but here I am again spending more time trying to resolve this. I would like the 5.95 credited to my account since I did not even choose refund on the form. I am hoping today is the end of this
You are now chatting with Connie.
Connie: Hello and thank you for contacting FabLetics, my name is Connie.
Connie: I have verified your information in our system Ms. Danilewicz, and thank you for being our valued VIP member. Again this is Connie.
Connie: I understand that you would like assistance with your return. Is that correct Ms. Danilewicz?
Jill: hello
Jill: yes
Connie: Upon checking it you process the return for store credit and the other one is for refund.
Connie: Please be informed that there will be a restocking fee for $5.95 if you will return it for a refund on your card.
Jill: NO I wanted ONLY store credit. WHy would I ask for credit for one thing and a refund for another? That is senseless.
Connie: I am sorry but it was already processed.
Jill: Yes, I know this. It was processed incorrectly and because of this I am asking you to credit the restocking fee to my account.
Connie: I am sorry but we can no longer refund it.
Connie: And there will always be a restocking fee if you return it for a refund.
Jill: OK so Fabletics makes a mistake and that refuse to fix it? I DID NOT RETURN FOR REFUND. HAVE YOU READ ANYTHING IVE BEEN SAYING?
Connie: I am sorry but you are the one who processed it.
Wow! I hope you were able to get that worked out. Unbelievable! You should email this to Fabletics and post it to their Facebook wall. They need to rectify that terrible customer service. Thanks for sharing!
Terrible quality clothes, uncomfortable fabrics. The hems of the tshirts aren’t even finished, so they are fraying and curling. The customer service is based in the Philippines and clothes are made in every other country including Pakistan. I can’t believe Kate Hudson would put her name on such garbage clothes.
I canceled my membership after the first outfit and returned the clothes.
I have recently purchased an outfit and didn’t realise that you then get charged monthly as this is not made clear on the uk version of the website until after you have made the payment for your outfit, also I tried to sign back in and I don’t seem to have a membership with them so does this mean that I wont have the monthly charges from them anyway ? I tried to call them to ask about this but there office is closed as its a weekend so I will try again tomorrow. does anyone have any advice on what to do when I call them as people above have said that it difficult to cancel anything with them and they have struggled with basic questions over the phone ?
I didn’t even know they were available in the UK? Just be persistent about canceling!
I love the capris and the tank I received from fabletics however the pants have a hole in the seam of the crotch after one wear. I am slim and wear a 4 or a 6 in lululemon but I ordered a 6 to be safe. So they were not tight. I noticed the whole when I took them off after treadmill for 45 minutes. I tried the chat and it didn’t work and I emailed company over 24 hours ago. Still have not heard back. I guess you get what you pay for. I will stick to lululemon and have my pieces last. I really wanted to like this company. Extremely disappointed.
How did you become a Fabletics affiliate?
My first experience ordering from Fabletics was super weird for me. I took advantage of that $25 for the whole outfit promo and it arrived in the mail. Everything was SO small. I can fit into a size 0 and usually wear a size 2 so I ordered everything in a XXS. Well to my surprise, I didn’t fit in anything that I ordered. So I got on the phone with customer service and told them that their sizing was weird for me, they then proceeded to tell me that I was actually a size S which is a size 6?!?? What is with their sizing?!
I loved my free outfit, but was not at all interested in receiving monthly so cancelled my membership without any problem really. My only question is this…why do these companies insist on these monthly shipments and can’t just let the customer buy when they want to like any other retail establishment? I detest these monthly subscriptions!
Wow, people! Customers are hard to please these days!
The lady who is overweight and is hung up on sweat showing through the yoga pants is asking for something that doesn’t exist. If you sweat, there WILL be sweat stains! The only way to avoid that is to wear 100% synthetic, but then, instead of looking like you skipped going to the toilet, you would smell like a toilet.
The ladies who complain about leggings not being of the highest quality need to be reminded of the price they pay for these leggings. Sure, you can get fancier leggings that are of awesome quality – if you pay over 100$ bucks for them! Let’s stay reasonable…
Ladies who complain about not needing a new outfit each month HAVE THE OPTION TO SKIP THE MONTH. You might want to first read the terms of membership before complaining…
The only issue I will not address here is how hard it is to unsubscribe. I never tried unsubscribing so I can’t speak to that. However, from comments on other websites, I gather that unsubscribing was a big issue for many customers and Fabletics has supposedly fixed that issue since then. Again, I can’t attest to that as I have no experience trying to unsubscribe, but there it is.
I do realize that the business model might not suit everyone, but damn, girls! If it doesn’t suit you, you are free to shop elsewhere! Don’t start dissing perfectly good merchandise because you don’t like the business model. Would you dis Celine Dion’s new record because you don’t like Columbia’s business model? Of course not! Let’s stay objective here.
I am not perfectly satisfied with everything at Fabletics, but then again, is there a store you can ever be perfectly satisfied with? I challenge you to find just one. Besides some issues with the cut of some of the clothes (some tops are too tight around the chest for me personally, and some flare at the bottom on me, but this might not be everyone’s case as we all have different bodies), I find that Fabletics is generally a great store for active wear. I find that the quality/price ratio is great.
The leggings are of great quality for the price, fit nicely, are durable and super soft, on top of there being several funky items each month so you don’t end up wearing the same few classic colors over and over again. I got a yoga mat at Fabletics that is to drool over (better than what you might get at sporting good stores), and for the price, it was a total steal.
Fabletics targets a very limited market: women only, nothing for kids, active wear but not downright sportswear and they don’t have a very wide selection of items. But what they do have is mostly good quality, stylish (not easy to find active wear elsewhere that doesn’t look downright sporty, so they have a niche) and functional.
I will keep ordering from Fabletics, and when it doesn’t suit me to buy yet another outfit, I just skip the month. Works just fine for me! It is my go-to place for leggings as nobody can match the well thought-out leggings they sell. No camel toe, comfortable, your butt cannot be seen through the leggings when you bend over, soft and durable fabric – you would never find anything even remotely like that at American Apparel, the store that has the widest selection of leggings.
Well I just cancelled my subscription! They charged me $49.00 on the 8th I went to purchase something today and the first 15 outfits I liked were out of stock! Really?? My first outfit was. $25.00. And it was ok. Certainly not worth a penny more. Yes it is fraying on edges and not the best quality. I tried to return it and the woman with broken English convinced me to give them another shot. So I did and could not find a single outfit I liked in stock. Ladies save yourself a headache and go to Nordstrom Rack or TJ Max or just pay more at Lululemon and get what you pay for. I have found high quality work out Attire at a discount and not felt swindled. Shame on you Kate Hudson!! This company is a joke !