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Today I’m smiling because:
~It’s supposed to SNOW here tonight / tomorrow! Woot woot! Love me a good snowstorm! The fact that I don’t really have anything to do (umm, like drive to work) may have something to do with this. Bring it Mother Nature!

~B and I are 3 for 3 on filling up our Starbucks cups! Hoping to make it 4 for 4 today!
~I got the 2nd (or 3rd or whatever – who’s counting at this point) Erin Condren tray I ordered yesterday and OMG it’s perfection. It’s going to be my new remote control, lip gloss, iPad, etc. holder on the cubes / couch. I love it.
~B cleaned and vacuumed my car yesterday. And boy did it ever need it. The state of that car was just disgusting.
~WB has been talking up a storm (well for him anyway) and it’s so fun to listen to him!
~We are (almost) all done with L’s homework packets which are due on Monday (that’s assuming that he has school), which is amazing since we tend to put that kind of stuff off until the last possible minute. AND I am smiling because L has had a beyond amazing break and I know he’s loving it all.
~I got an amazing package from Katie (she blogs over at Katie’s Kitchen) over in Australia! Not only is she super talented (she bakes, sews and crochets), she also puts together a great box! I love having friends from all over the place and I am excited to send her some US goodies!
~My laundry is half done! Some may not be excited about this because it still means you have to do the other half, but I think it’s a good thing.
~Target *should be* 90% off at my store(s) today and I am so excited about it. Finally!
That’s it from here! What’s got you smiling today? Any big plans for the weekend?
I wouldn’t mind being snowed in this weekend because it would mean my husband would have to stay home instead of waking up at some ungodly hour to hunt. Otherwise I hate snow. I’m hoping to get all the Christmas stuff put away, finally, this weekend!
How much snow are you suppose to get??
I totally need a penpal from another country! How fun!!!
It’s totally fun!!
I spy Kinder Surprise eggs. Enjoy them! I love opening up the toys a tiny bit more than the chocolate itself. 🙂
Oh totally! I’m
Like a little kid!!!
I live in the purple area too – Ypsilanti, MI – Washtenaw County. How much did you end up getting? We had a little over 10 inches. I work at the U of M and we’re pretty much the only ones in Washtenaw County who don’t have a snow day. 😉 The plus though is that the phone have been silent all day!
I think we got about the same. It’s so hard to tell!! It’s such a mess out there today!
Aw thanks for the shoutout! I got a surprise to see my name pop up lol xx