So What Wednesday

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This week I am saying So What If….

~I am still nervous from that game yesterday.  I can see why people like soccer so much.
~WB has a serious popsicle addiction.
~I legit thought our neighborhood was under attack a few nights ago.  No.  It was fireworks.
~I laughed yesterday was WB had a tantrum because his juice was “wet”.  LOL!
~I checked Facebook when I heard the tornado sirens going off in the middle of the night instead of just taking cover right away.  It appears everyone else in my area also did the same thing because we were all on there asking what was up (*).
~I have to change some of my passwords on a weekly basis because I cannot remember them.  It’s almost like I am trying to break into my own accounts.   So bad.
~I told B didn’t weed the garden while he was gone because I didn’t know the difference between the weeds and the plants.  The sad part is that this is the truth.
~I can’t wait to go up-north this weekend and help my cousin find some locals on Tinder.  That is always so entertaining.
~ I am already anxious for some July box spoilers.
~I miss L more than he misses me!  He may just not know how much he misses me ;).
~I wish I was one of this people who could take 15 cat naps and wake up feeling amazing.
~I googled the contents of Sizzurp because I am constantly reading about it on TMZ.  #sogross

That’s it from here. What are you saying so what to this week?

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(*) The answer to that would be nothing. It was because there was some windy “coming” our direction.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 15 Comments

  1. Maria

    Love Soccer and felt USA did great! Off course after that initial moment when you realize it was the end for USA 2014 World Cup 🙁 Got the same problem with my passwords. Yes, it does feel like I’m breaking into my own accounts lol What is up with Popsugar? No spoilers yet this month. Is it because is going to be a great box? I need a spoiler now! Mostly have love all my boxes since March 2014, but some of the products I can live without. So a coupon and spoiler will dot it for me. I miss my husband ‘R’. He is also away most of the time for his job. But I know this…they miss us plenty. Did I say plenty… lol 😉

    1. Jennifer

      What does your husband do?

      Nope, no PS spoilers yet. We have just been getting spoiled these last few months I guess!

      1. Maria

        Yes, we have been getting spoiled. I just hope the great box trend continues.

        My husband works of a US Motorcycle Co. that has expanded their market to Latin America & the Caribbean.

        Happy 4th to you & your family. Enjoy the fireworks!!

  2. Deborah Borunda-Jensen

    I had the same problems with passwords, so I got a small phone book and started to keep them in it. Funny after I did this, they came out with password phone books…lol missed my chance for a great idea..

  3. Amy

    The juice is wet thing is hilarious! My son had a tantrum because he couldn’t get his nipple off.

    1. Jennifer

      OMG LOL!!

  4. Jody

    So what if I am waaayyyy too excited that I got an email from Quarterly saying my Nina box has shipped?

    1. Jennifer

      I am way too excited about this too! Did you see the spoilers??

      1. Jody

        I saw some “hints” but not actual spoilers — which makes it even more exciting!! I’m going to try to remain spoiler-free for this one, but I am always so powerless when I know they’re out there!

  5. Bethany

    Hahaha WB and the wet juice. I feel bad laughing about that kind of stuff, but it does crack me up what things kids freak out about. And I wouldn’t know the difference between weeds and plants, either! I am completely dependent on my husband for anything outside-related. Sooooo excited not for July spoilers but for July boxes! Oh and the second quarter boxes that were supposedly coming in June!

    1. Jennifer

      I was dying. I couldn’t even help myself.

  6. cindy

    my sis and I are so into popsickles this summer too…a portion control thing anyway sure you saw target has the orig popsickle 2 for 6 huge packs ..orig are our go wb baby

  7. alyssa

    Omg tinder is too hilarious there are some crazy guys in my area. Yes I downloaded tinder recently after my boyfriend and I broke up. There are way more crazies on there then good guys including 2 men who enjoy wearing diapers so far like wtf dude go to a different app with that there must be a dating service exclusive for that there is for everyone else’s weird fetishes lol

    1. Jennifer

      OMG that’s hysterical! Why didn’t they have tinder when I was single??? So many good times I missed.

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