Friday iPhone Dump (*)

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1. I haven’t included too many pictures of B on here lately (he’s a busy guy), but I did snap this cute picture of him and L playing Wii last weekend. L is awful at Mario Kart. He likes to crash. On purpose.

2.  Buddy got to go on a walk the other night and loved every minute of it.  He’s annoying on walks.  Pulls at the leash and barks the entire time.  But you can just tell he’s enjoying every minute.  Oh and B comes home from work yesterday and we’re talking and all of a sudden he’s like where’s Buddy?  Umm, I don’t know?  So we search all the usual spots he gets trapped in (the basement, the storage room in the basement, etc.) and couldn’t find him.  And of course we’re opening the doors to outside, calling his name, etc.  NOTHING. Where the heck is Buddy?  Oh, he’s stuck in the pantry.  He was maybe 10 feet from us screaming his name and didn’t make a peep.

3. Like I said before, we went to the cider mill over the weekend.  Best donuts of the season so far. They were perfect.  Cold morning + warm donuts = amazing.

4. Is that hat not crazy?  I found it with L’s old stuff, but I cannot recall L ever wearing it.  WB is clearly loving it though!

5. My brother and L at the cider mill.  It was his idea to go. I think he just wanted to go for the donuts.  But umm, you don’t just go to the Cider Mill and skip the play area.  HA.  I know L loved having him and my SIL there!

6. People ask if WB is always smiling.  Not always.  But if you smile while talking to him, you will be rewarded with a huge smile.  And he flashes that grin to everyone.  Everyone.

7. B and L ran to store for something for a few things and did a bunch of bottle returns while they were there (in MI we have a $0.10 refund on cans & bottles).   And they came home with flowers (and orange ones at that) for me!  I love those boys.

8. Pumpkin painting from L’s fieldtrip!  It was fun to watch how the kids all went at the project in their own way.  Some were very careful with the colors.  Some mixed them up in two seconds.

9. In addition to painting pumpkins, the field trip also included a “spooky” train ride.  It was so fun!  And so not scary.  We were so glad that B got to come!

10.  I always see those straw mountains at the Cider Mill (and we climb on them and get all covered in hay**), but I have never seen a tunnel through one.  I almost wanted to go through this one (also on L’s field trip) just because the kids were having so much fun in it.

11. B wasted no time in using his Caskers gift card from his October Birchbox Man box.  He ordered some General John Stark Vodka and I have to say, it’s not bad.  I’d prefer it mixed with something, but he drank it like a man.  On the rocks.  Well on the whiskey stones also from the Birchbox.

12. I dragged the kids to the jewelry store to pick up B’s watch (or as they call it, his time piece) – it needed a battery and I told L before we went in there that we weren’t going to play in the play area.  We were just running in.  And then we got in there and he was just staring at it and looking all sad.  So I told him he could go play. OMG his face lit up like a Christmas tree.  We weren’t on any strict deadline so I don’t know why I was being such a stick in the mud in the first place.  I think that 20 minutes of playing made his day.

13. When I go into WB’s room after he wakes up from a nap, L will come with me and climb into WB’s crib so they can talk.  If WB’s sad, he’ll rub his head and say “it’s okay WB,  your big brother is here”.  So stinkin sweet.

14. After doing some visiting with the salespeople at the car dealership, WB was bored.  So bored he had to take a nap.  L would never have fallen asleep on me like that when he was a baby.  Never.  But L did like to suck down bottles like nobody’s business.  WB would never eat in public.  Ever.

15. OMG, L’s halloween costume arrives yesterday and he is obsessed.  Obsessed.  He put it on right away and wore it for hours.  B got home from work and kept calling him batman.  L really believed B didn’t know it was him and took his mask off and was like Daddy, it’s me!

16.  And because I needed another picture to make a square you get to see another one of WB in his giraffe costume.

(*) One of my readers (cough, cough, W) hates the name of this weekly post. She specifically hates the word DUMP. But does she have a better idea? Noooooooooooo. Any suggestions people?
(**) Lulu pants + hay = bad news.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Wendy

    I agree with W. “Dump” is a nasty word. I do not have an idea for an alternative either though.

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