So What Wednesday…

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This week I am saying So What If….

~I am dying to see this Hermes bag that North West painted for Kim’s birthday.
~We forgot to carve pumpkins on Monday. I guess we’ll be doing that tonight.
~I almost want to go to up-north this weekend so I can go see the Terror at Tee Lake again! Seeing them on ABC last night was just too cool.
~I was this close to buying the new Taylor Swift CD this week. She’s my new favorite. #dontjudgeme
~That Marlin’s dude that travels to all those sporting events is my hero. He’s living the dream!
~WB asked “What’s This?” no less than 1000x times yesterday. Sometimes I just guess because I don’t know what he’s pointing at.
~Once I get into a book, I finish it in like two days.
~L wore his pants backwards to school last week and I didn’t even notice until he got home.  He also did not notice all day.  Really?  How could you not notice that?
~I am kind of excited for the return of Elf on the Shelf.  That will probably last about two days though until I wake up at 3am freaking out because he hasn’t moved for the night yet.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 16 Comments

  1. Chrissy

    I looooooove Taylor Swift! She is so delightful! And the new cd is great so you definitely get it. 🙂

  2. kerri

    How about those Royals?! Kansas City is on cloud nine! So fun having all the Tigers fans cheering them on from Michigan.

    1. Jennifer

      It was a great series! It may not have ended the way you guys wanted but omg it was a fun ride!

  3. Lauren

    Ohhh I so brought back “chippie” EOTS. Because my kids are soo well behaved when he come around. Amazing, huh? I did wake up at 5 to move him in a panic haha.
    so what if I made a second trip to Starbucks yesterday, I see the same in my future today #beyondExhausted

    1. Jennifer

      Chippie is working extra hours this year huh?? Lol!!!!

  4. Hilda

    I’m trying out Elf on the Shelf this year. Have you seen how creative people get with hiding it? Oh my – I’m not sure I’ve got the knack for that. He’ll probably sit on top of the tv most of the time.

    1. Jennifer

      They get SO creative! I am happy if I remember to move mine!

  5. Kelsey

    I did buy the Taylor Swift CD this week lol….or I should say my boyfriend brought it home for me because he knows I love her #sowhat 🙂

    1. Jennifer


  6. Beth

    I’m all gung-ho Elf on the Shelf for about a week. Then the next couple of weeks I’m like, “oh, let me just throw him on top of the refrigerator,” or “on the bookshelf will do.” And then the last couple of weeks before Christmas, he’s usually just hanging out in the same spot every day… Usually on the Christmas Tree. I’m terrible at Elf on the Shelf!

    1. Jennifer

      Mine does like two cool things the entire month. Luckily my kiddos dont expect too much and they think it’s cool when he sits on top of the toilet and in the light fixtures ;).

  7. Jennifer Cochran

    Just say no to the Kardashians and they’ll go away! I’ve been trying this for years now, it’s going to work eventually!!!

    1. Jennifer

      Lol!! There’s just so many of them!

  8. Beth Rang

    My sister and I are both Taylor Swift fans. I don’t have the new album yet, but I think that’s going to be on my Target list.

    1. Jennifer

      She’s just so fun!

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