Thursday Thoughts

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~Good morning!  We survived Chuck E. Cheese yesterday!  No one is sick yet, but I am sure it’s going to happen soon.  LOL! I think it may now be WB’s favorite place.   He’s been before, but I don’t think he remembered it.  He couldn’t stop talking about it last night before bed though so I suspect we’ll have to go back soon.  We also hit up the mall for lunch and more fun. Does your local mall have those ride-on stuffed animals?   I don’t get it at all, but all it takes is your kid seeing one other kid riding around on a giant stuffed hippo and they won’t stop talking about it.

Riding on a dog.
Riding on a dog.

~I still have a ton of subscription boxes coming this week including a Citrus Lane Mystery Box, DottieboxFabletics, Harvest CratesHermosa Box, Luxury Barber, Orange GladPOPSUGARYogi Surprise and there are a few more packages showing up in USPS that I can’t figure out.  It will be a good rest of the week.  Just a quick heads up – The Rachel Zoe Summer 2015 Box of Style goes on sale today at 12pm PDT.  I’ll post about it closer to the time it’s on sale and will also post as soon as the Summer “Hero” (big ticket) item is revealed!

~If you aren’t watching the Live Bald Eagle Nest Cam in PA you are missing out!  I mentioned it yesterday, but I am obsessed.  It’s exactly what it sounds like, a camera that shows a bald eagles nest in PA.  There’s a mom and a dad eagle and two baby eagles (they are like 2 weeks old).  The parents aren’t in the nest at the same time too often, but it’s so cool when they are.  And I love watching what they bring back to the nest.  Those eagles eat well.

Mom & Dad Eagle and their babies
Mom & Dad Eagle and their babies

~Have you been to Bath & Body Works lately?  I have been staying away, but since we were at the mall yesterday anyway we went in. These new (new to me anyway) island candles are awesome.  And the container?  Even better.  The sales lady mentioned people were saving them and using them to store Q-Tips, cotton balls, etc.  I might just throw some votives in mine when they are done and keep them as candle holders!  And the pineapple shea-infused socks?  How could I not?

Bath & Body Works
Bath & Body Works

~I haven’t forgotten about the March Madness Bracket Challenge and will be e-mailing the top three today!  And I will also be selecting the five additional random winners and e-mailing them today.  I have no clue how it happened, but it appears there are two ESPN groups (this one and this one)?  I am guessing one carried forward from last year (that has 15+ members) and then I started the new one (that has 180+ members) this year?  Anyway, the top three were all from the new group (the top person in the other group had 1320 points) and as long as you filled out the Google Form I posted about with your ESPN user name you are entered in the random drawing, so it doesn’t matter which one you are in.  I’ll try and see if I can delete the old one so that there is no confusion next year.

The Winners!
The Winners.

~I’ve got a bunch of updating I need to do to the subscription box list and plan to work on that over the weekend.  I know that someone mentioned that they cannot access their Socialbliss account online and I can’t access mine either, so I am trying to figure that one out as well.  If there are any boxes out there you are wondering about / waiting on, let me know and I’ll see if I can’t figure out what’s up.  Or at least find out if other people are having issues.

~If you need to pick up any beauty products just a heads up that Nordstrom is having a fantastic Gift With Purchase offer (thanks to Laura for the details on this).  When you spend $130 you’ll get a free 24-piece gift set with a $121 value.  Plus they have a ton of other Gift With Purchase offers that can all be combined.  So you can end up with your selected products, the free gifts you get for purchasing them and then the Nordstrom Gift with Purchase below all at the same time!

Nordstrom Gift With Purchase
Nordstrom Gift With Purchase

That’s all for now!  See you in a little bit!

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 10 Comments

  1. PEGG

    I’ve seen those big stuff animal rides over in Asia – I didn’t realize the US had them too! How fun for your kiddos!

  2. Jenny

    Awe the Eagles are so cute.

  3. Steph

    I was the top winner in the old group and #7 in the new group!

    1. Jennifer

      How did you even find that group? I am so confused by it! I know I never linked to it?? Did it just show up in your ESPN account?

  4. Mrs. L

    When I went to Japan in the late 90’s for a Sharks game, our group came across these giant stuffed animals outside a shopping area. I hopped on one not knowing that if someone put a quarter in (the slot was discretely hidden) the dang thing would take off walking! I kid you not, scared the crap out of me…and put everyone else in hysterics. The one I was on was much bigger than your kids and it walked pretty dang fast. I still have nightmares…..

  5. PA Anna

    Sorry if my comment posts twice. I was interrupted and lost my thought!

    My 6 year old and I will have to look for the stuffed animal rides the next time I bring my teen to Hot Topic. He’s been asking to go there.

    I received my BirchBox Plus item today. Long Story. The bag looks great! I also received my HGC box because they still haven’t cancelled my account. Still to arrive this week – Be Kind one time kid box,

    I would love to know what is going on With Love From Angela. Boxes were reviewed by bloggers earlier in the year, people signed up, their Facebook and Twitter accounts have been taken down, and people are posting they can’t contact them. The website know says it is in testmode. I didn’t sign up because I wanted to see more than a couple of boxes. Inquiring minds want to know what happened.

    1. Jennifer

      PLEASE let me know if your mall has the stuffed animals. They are a trip. $6 for 15 minutes at my mall. I’d love to know what they are other places,

      I actually checked on With Love from Angela a few weeks ago. They had just posted about a loss in the family, but I haven’t seen any updates on it. Their Facebook is still up:

      1. PA Anna

        I can’t read their Facebook page. It wants me to sign in and I don’t have an account. Usually I can see a company’s Facebook page without any issues.

  6. Steph

    It actually came up when I clicked join same league as last year. I was all excited that I was winning and then realized there were 2. #notwinning

  7. Tiffany

    I just saw these at our mall this past weekend, and thought it was SOO funny! I think ours is 7$ for 10 mins, and 12$ for 20 mins. We are taking the girls this weekend to do that, so i will double check the prices! 🙂 We are in wisconsin.

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