Thursday Thoughts

~Good morning! Let's see, what's going on?  Not too much really.  The boys got their report cards so we went out last night and celebrated with some frozen yogurt. I'm…


Thursday Thoughts

~Good morning! Our busy week is almost over! Almost. L rocked his wax museum speech (he was Walt Disney) and W was excited that I was the Mystery Reader in…

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Thursday Thoughts

~Good morning! This week has been all about snow. It's supposed to snow tonight / tomorrow too. They say between 8-12 inches, but who really knows? I do know that…


Thursday Thoughts

~Good morning! This week has been all over the place. Lots of errands and meetings and homework, you get the idea. ~I posted my Trader Joe's haul this week on…


Thursday Thoughts

~Good morning! Let's see, what's going on here?  Nothing exciting really  We are getting another window quote tonight, so I am curious how that goes down. ~I am still working…


Thursday Thoughts

~Good morning! It's freezing here! My kids were hoping for a "cold" day, but no such luck. Maybe tomorrow though. I think windchills are supposed to get down to more…

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