Saturday Smiles

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Ramblings of a Suburban Mom

Today I’m smiling because:

~Today(*) is the annual Tons O’ Trucks in our area and I can’t wait.  I am hoping the rain stays away long enough so we can really enjoy it, but we’re going either way!

Last year’s event

~L only has two more days of school and then it’s SUMMER VACATION!!  I don’t know about you other parents, but I am over school for the year.  Over it.  I feel like this mom.  For sure.  And speaking of school, I got L all registered for kindergarten!  Woot woot!!

~ WB is the craziest, sneakiest baby out there.  He’s pure entertainment. And can climb a flight of stairs in 30 seconds.  It’s quite amazing.  Ohh and as you saw on Instagram, he can now climb out of his Activity Gym ;).

Always happy. Well as long as you give him what he wants.

~Since Stella & Dot went so well last month and you guys all seem to be loving your purchases (**), I’m going to do a Trunk Showwith a little prize for one of you.  For every $50 you spend, you’ll get one entry towards the S&D Jolie Necklace!!  And don’t worry, if you placed an order in May, I will automatically enter you as a thank you!!  The Trunk Show closes on Saturday, June 22nd, so bookmark it (you’ll find the link here) and get shopping!  Ohhh, and did I mention Dot Dollars are happening in June?  For every $50 you spend, Stella & Dot will give you $25 to spend (on purchases of $50 or more) in July!!!!!

~We took advantage of a break in the weather yesterday and went bike riding.  I think it’s going to be our new summer past time.  It was so fun and riding in the puddles?  OMG, even more fun.  I thought L was going to burst he was so excited to go through all those puddles.

~Real Housewives of New Jersey starts TOMORROW!!!!  Cannot wait.  I usually don’t wish the days away, but this is an exception.

~I asked L if he liked his room last night and wondered if there was anything he’d like to change, add, etc. He pondered the question and came up with adding “a tv, bunk beds, video games and a pantry”. Ohh and maybe “a refrigerator”.  I haven’t laughed that hard in a while.  He had no idea why I was laughing.  Man I love that kid.

That’s it from here!  What’s got you smiling today?

(*) Clearly we are not having a garage sale ;).
(**) And if for whatever reason you don’t love them or have ANY issues, please please please e-mail me!!!.
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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. Jenny

    OK so just fly me up and I’ll run your sale 😉 I haven’t been to Michigan oh since lets just say the early 80s LOL

    Did you get the Kindergarten that you wanted?

  2. Kate!

    Well it sounds like L is gonna LOVE his college dorm room, then! You’ll have to remind him of this then, if he ever complains about it. …”but this is what you always wanted!”

  3. Danielle

    Haha! A friend of mine posted that blog on FB yesterday! Hilarious. I’m thinking it rings more true the older the kids get and the more you have.

  4. Alexia561

    I think you’re going to have your hands full with WB! He looks like he’s up to something. 😉

    Enjoy your weekend!

  5. Emily KG

    Wooohooooo!!!!! Stella & Dot SALE!!! Buy, buy, buy!

  6. mary m

    Did you get L into the school you wanted? I hope so!

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