Friday’s Letters

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Dear House That Passed Out Jell-O Shots (to adults), Well, I think I know where I am headed first next year.  You were a welcome surprise on a rainy night.

Dear Me, Let locking your keys in your car yesterday be a lesson to you to learn that keypad code.   And maybe pin it to your shirt everyday so there is no way you will ever forget it.

Dear Michigan State, I am super excited for the game this weekend!  I am nervous just typing this post.  I can’t even imagine how bad it will be during the game itself.  #gogreen

Dear L, I am so jealous you get to have pajama day today at school.  I think WB and I are going to do the same thing here actually.  It sounds too good not to do.

Dear Target, I cannot wait for 90% off Halloween Clearance time.  I need to restock on some Halloween goodie bag items.  I was scraping the bottom of the barrel finding stuff in my stash for this year!

Dear the Photographer that took L and WB’s pictures, You know I am dying to see the pictures from the shoot.  Just humor me and post like one.

Dear B, I am so glad you are going to be home this weekend.  If only for a day.  Mama needs a break and / or a nap.

Dear PLL, You and I need to catch up.  Maybe a marathon tomorrow night?  Sounds good to me.

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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 27 Comments

  1. Jen

    I think a pajama sounds like a great idea. 🙂

    1. Jennifer

      Totally. I wouldn’t mind a nap either.

  2. Alena P

    We went to a house that passed out Jello Shots too! My favorite part of the night! 😉

    1. Jennifer

      When we start getting a lot of trick-or-treaters in a few years I am going to do that too!

  3. Myranda

    There’s some things I don’t learn even though it’s more convenient.

    Like my CC #. Not remembering that has saved me multiple impulse purchases.

    Can we talk about the smorgasbord of new items at BB? Like…some people may not get Christmas because I want them all.

    1. Jennifer

      LOL!! That is a good thing not to remember though! I am a goner for those holiday soaps.

    2. Lauren

      Omg I’m actually considering getting a new debit card because I’ve memorized mine and have bought SO many impulse purchases!!

      1. Jennifer

        That is so funny!

  4. Ashley

    OMG PLL…. that show breaks my heart.


    1. Jennifer

      No!! Stop. GO WHITE!

  5. Jenny

    OMG Jello shots? That is awesome I need to go to that house. I just told M and he said that he needs to plan on that next year. 🙂
    PLL was good this season and I’m all caught up except the Halloween episode and then I started recording Ravenswood but I haven’t watched it yet either.

    1. Jennifer

      It was a good house. They went all out!

  6. Sara

    We are having a pajama day today too. So nice to not have to run around and just hang in our pjs.

    1. Jennifer

      Totally. Although, WB doesn’t really appreciate a relaxing day at home.

  7. sara

    pajama days are awesome. Also, jello shots, I’d go trick or treating for that!

    1. Jennifer

      They were quite good. B is lucky I got one for him too.

  8. wisconsin gal

    I know I’m the same, I got a nice giggle from reading your note to Target!

    Dear Target, can you surprise me and when I go visit you today, please have the Halloween items on 90% clearance? I see that you have so many items left over. 30% was yesterday’s number, it’s OK with me to go right to 90% when I go there this afternoon.

    1. Jennifer

      It’ll probably be 50% today! Fingers crossed for 90% off next Friday!

  9. Rebecca Doud

    I’m excited for the game too! GO BLUE!!!!!!!

    1. Rebecca Doud

      PJ day was banned at my school. Some of the kids were coming in with questionable PJ’s and yes this is when I taught elementary school. Though when I was student teaching we had a student who would wear his Superman PJs. After telling him it wasn’t allowed he would just wear the cape.

      1. Jennifer

        Oh no. What are parents thinking! They did say to make sure they were “weather appropriate”. Everyone seemed to follow the rules nicely!

    2. Jennifer

      GO GREEN!!!!

  10. Lauren

    I have the key code for my car written down on the notes section of my phone and iPad just in case I forget it. I love locking my keys in the car (on purpose) when I go running or when I don’t want to drag my keys around. That little keypad is one of my favorite features on my car!

    1. Jennifer

      sadly I had locked my phone and wallet (which has the key pad code) in the car too ;(.

    2. Jennifer

      Yeah, I didn’t have my iPhone with me either. I locked that in the car too???.

    1. Jennifer

      It totally was! I was quite thrilled by it!

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