Monday Morning Ramblings

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~Good morning! I’m not quite as excited about Daylight Savings Time this morning as I was last night. LOL.  But I’ll like it again tonight I’m sure. There’s not much to recap about our weekend other than lots of playing outside and getting caught up on things.  B had National Guard so he wasn’t around too much.  But it was a good weekend.

Starting to be able to see a little grass!
Starting to be able to see a little grass!

~I’ve got a bunch of boxes that *should* be coming this week, but I thought that last week too so who knows.  I should have gotten Orange GladFrankie & AlbertBirchbox Man and one other one last week, but they all seem to be delayed somewhere.  I am also expecting Artistry Gifts, Pet Gift Box, Sunshine Candy, BIrchbox, Sample Society and hopefully a few Mystery Boxes I have ordered recently (Julep and Citrus Lane)!

~Are you ready for The Bachelor tonight?  I.cannot.wait.  I think it’s going to be Whitney, but you never know with The Bachelor.  I do know that it will be the most drawn out rose ceremony ever!  I’m also curious to see who the next Bachelorette will be too.  They will announce that tonight too right?

Chris and the Final 2!
Chris and the Final 2!

~In other tv news, Season 3 of Orange is the New Black will on Netflix on June 12th!  The timing couldn’t be better because B’s going to be at Bonnaroo and I will be able to binge watch that weekend.  I actually need to rewatch Season 2 so I know what happened before I start Season 3.  With ALL that time in between seasons I forget what’s happened.

~Have you seen this? Peeps Milk.  Yes, I said Peeps.  I don’t know if this is something I personally can get into, but i must find it because I know L will be so excited to try it.  And if L wants to try it, WB wants to try it!  Hopefully Target has it.  They seem to carry stuff like this pretty often.

Peeps Milk
Peeps Milk

That’s all for now! How was your weekend? What do you have going on this week?  And of course, what subscription boxes are you expecting this week?


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Jennifer is the author and founder of Subscription Box Ramblings. She first discovered subscription boxes in 2012 and has been addicted since. Current favorites include CAUSEBOX, Boxycharm and Beachly!

This Post Has 6 Comments

  1. HH

    My Orange Glad has been delayed, too. It was supposed to be delivered last Friday, but looks like it’ll be here today.

  2. Beth

    My brother and I went to Bonnaroo about 5 years ago. I was about 25 at the time. Its fun, but let me tell you, its rough! Has B ever been before? If not, tell him to take plenty of water and pack it in dry ice. Regular ice only lasts about a day. You can buy ice there, but by time you carry it back to your campsite its already melted. Is he tent camping? Tell him to bring plenty of tarps and an EZ-up to keep his camp shady at all times of the day. Bring a bandanna to tie around his face because its really dusty and bring sneakers because there are puddles everywhere, and by the looks of it, I think there’s pee in them. Other than that, its pretty fun! But I don’t think I would ever go again unless I was camping in an RV. The showers I can live without, Its the heat that gets you!

    1. Jennifer

      He has been before. Not last year, but the year before? He’s tent camping (again). It honestly looks like the absolute worst to me. He thinks it’s fun though. Maybe it’s all those years in the army sleeping in a tent has him used to it?

  3. Katie Sparks

    I’ve been curious about the Peeps milk too! Check your Sunday paper because I believe there was a coupon for it this week too! 🙂

  4. Stacie

    How do you have so little snow already?! I live on the CT shoreline and there is still about 30 inches of snow on the ground. I wish I was exaggerating.
    I just started watching Orange is the New Black. I’m only on season 1. But I’m spending more time on the treadmill, so I should be able to catch up before season 3 starts!
    I have Nicole’s Creations coming this week, Doggy Loot, and a mystery package from CA… I think it must be the spring cheer exchange I’m doing with some other bloggers, but I’m not sure! Can’t wait to find out.

  5. PA Anna

    My oldest is turning 16 this week. That’s the big event. I think the only box I have coming is the Knotted Bespoke which is for him. Plus a couple Eco Emi random beauty boxes.

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